Posts by Ross Nixon
20 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2007
Clutching at its Perl 6, developer community ponders language name with less baggage
We checked and yup, it's no longer 2001. And yet you can pwn a Windows box via Notepad.exe
Das geeks hit crowdfunding target: IBM mainframes are coming home
Take that, creationists: Boffins witness birth of new species in the lab
Re: What is a created kind?
The list of kinds? They are working on it. It is a protoscience, called Baraminology.
Here is one creationist scientific investigation, as an example to the curious and/or open-minded.
Why won't you DIE? IBM's S/360 and its legacy at 50
US Republican enviro-vets: 'Climate change is real. Deal with it'
Re: Cold enough yet? No? Just wait...
Peer Review (unfortunately) makes little difference these days. Just look at the cosy club of global warming alarmists at East Anglia's Climate Research Unit to easily see that.
P.S. Please post a reliable link to these so-called "erroneous assumptions", if you can, thanks!
The Old Reader evicts Google Reader refugees
Giant kangaroos wiped out by humans, not climate change
Water like that of Earth's oceans found in comet
Mozilla foot soldiers unleash 'Army of Awesome' on Twitter
Free anti-virus scanner hits the cloud
New avast freebie security scanner aims to keel-haul MS
Exploit code for potent IE zero-day bug goes wild
Global-warming scientist: It's worse than I thought
Rocket train smashes world land-speed record
Comet Holmes and the case of the Disappearing Tail
IPCC's final report on climate change due tomorrow
US teacher fired for non-literal bible reading
One should feel sorry for ignorant God-deniers, not sack them!
Sure, creationist teachers get unfairly sacked if they express doubts about molecules-to-man evolution. But just because Christophobes are intolerant, is no reason for Christians to react similarly. They should be more tolerant.