* Posts by Gerhard den Hollander

238 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Feb 2007


Apple, Spotify, Amazon: All your Cloud are belong to us, says firm

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: errrrr there's more to a patent than its title.

The only novelty I see is where they claim a patent to where the data is actually written to a DVD/PMP/CD/media, everything else in their patent could be priorarted by (say) a webbrowser playing a youtube clip.

And even for that, one could probably argue that using k3b to burn Mp3s to an audio disk, where the mp3s reside on an NFS share would consist of prior art.

(whether the argument is valid I dont know, IANAL)

RIM good for secret jobs: BlackBerry 10 cleared for Restricted data

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: So what?

lots of people care. Despite signifcant drops in sale, it's still a widely used phone.

Looking at the general populace around where I live, I would say about 1 in 4 smartphones is a BBrry.

BBerry may be years behind the other platforms on many things, their exchange / lotus notes/email services is still far ahead of the competition (and for me personally, physical keyboards are a prime motivator when it comes to choosing a mobile phone).

If you want a phone that can do phone stuff (calling, texting, whatsapp) and can do email better then anyone else, you have little choice.

What made us human? Being armed with lethal ranged weapons

Gerhard den Hollander

I thought there was a recent study that showed that home sapiens and the neanderthal had interbred ?

then again, there were equally recent studies that shows they didnt. Thought the most recent one suggests that they did. (see the below 3 links, aug 24, aug 25 and oct 5).

If neanderthal was al;ready gone when men came out of africa, the did they interbreed or not studies would not have been necesary.




Incompatible IT systems blamed for bank sale collapse

Gerhard den Hollander

Last june ?

Am I the only one who thinks this is the aftermath of last summers IT failure at RBS ?

Santander has spendthe last few months trying to be convinced

(or RBS has spent the last few months trying to convince)

that this would never happen again, and those people responsible for firing the people responsible had also been fired.

And they just failed ...

The real problem now is that chances of anyone willing to buy the RBS bits have dropped significantly, as noone would want to touch an IT system that's so complex that it caused the previous deal to backfire.

Hands on with BB10: Strokey dokey

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Success

Depends on what kind of office or business you're in.

The dutch government, prime-minister and all top members are using blackberrys.

Company I work for, all higher management has a blackberry.

And all of those having a blackberry are over 21.

I've said it before, blackberry might have low market numbers in actual number of phones sold, but looking around the streets, concerts etc about 1 in 4 has a bberry.

Is lightspeed really a limit?

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: It's my understanding.....

... and therefore it is impossible to cross the boundary.

Who knows maybe all the dark matter, and weakly interacting massive particles are just those strange beasts zapping by at speeds greater then light, having discussions on their version of the register discussing the possibility of STL travel (slower then light ), and laughing at the ridiculous idea of anything moving slower then light, which would mean you could actually see where you were going before you got there, violating all kinds of conversion rules.

Just as we found that non-euclidean geometry would make mathematical sense, someone with better math skills then me could try and come up with a physics for the FTL world.

Who knows, maybe all the spooky action at a distance and the 2-slots, multiple world interpretation can be solved by just assuming a duality where we have an STL universe (ours) and an FTl universe (theirs) and all the quantum machanic weirdness is just the folks from the other side trying to get a message across

(or maybe it's just interference caused by their version of the X-factor TV shows)

Man I need more coffee ...

From Dr No to Skyfall: The Reg's one month of Bond

Gerhard den Hollander
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bond bike

Ok, so it's not james, but mario,

but it's a nice piece of cinematic, and everyone who wants to make a bike commercial should watch this.

It's got bond, babes, a villain with an accent to match the french taunter, product placement galore, millionaires, gadgets and a bike


Google to axe IE 8 support, cuts off Windows XP lifeline

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Misleading as ever

those companies usually also block the google drive , google docs and other ``lets share all our private data with the cloud'' tools.

So no big loss there.

Casio to enter tablet market with twin-cam scanner

Gerhard den Hollander
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if it works, and if it would be able to cope woith my handwriting ... this would be a nice piece of kit to have ...

Memo to openSUSE 12.2: More polish, less angst

Gerhard den Hollander

Have been using it for the last week orso, really like it .

Got to KDE 4.9 thanks to the distros .. smooth, slick and shiny ..

Now to find a plymouth manual that allows me to put my own pictures instead of the SuSE splash screen and I will be a very happy puppy

Ding dong, the Ping is dead! Apple brings in Facebook for iTunes

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Can anyone....

gnupod ?

it's command line, but if all you want to do is say ``copy all these files to my ipod'' it cannot be beaten.

Windows 8 to grab iPad market share wrested back from Android

Gerhard den Hollander

windows 7 ?

> Preventing the Google OS from grabbing a share from Apple is Windows 7, though it'll only have a share of 17 per > cent or so by 2016, the researcher believes.

Steve B will be livid ... windows 8 was supposed to be the big breakthrough on tablets ... and now those pesky resellers and tablet makers go out and put windows 7 on their tablets.

Some people have just no shame

Airbus predicts catapult takeoffs and formation flying by 2050

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Catapults are designed

If they can use catapults,

Im sure they can use a tail hook, and some elastic cables

Listen up, Nokia: Get Lumia show-offs in pubs or it's game over

Gerhard den Hollander

Risk Aversion vs Unique appeal

Windows has themselves added an extra risk to the WP8 gamble. The fact that their WP7 phones cannot be upgraded to WP8, and are effectiveley end-of-lived.

Never mind the fact that most punters dont ever upgrade the OS on their phone.

The pureview / low light / image stabilisation sounds wonderful. (and the sample shots look stunning)

As someone who finds himself taking pictures in low light conditions quite often (and who doesnt like flash much)

I wonder if Nokia could be pursuaded to make a camera with these features (something smaller then an SLR, and with a smaller price tag ...)

Hold the chips: Apple axes Samsung RAM order for iPhone 5

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Tumbleweed Moment

Even after sep12 they will outsell the 4s ... it's the 5s they have to worry about :)

Emotional baggage

Gerhard den Hollander

dell bag

Dell provides a backpack option for some of their laptops. They are small enough to fit on a plane as carry on, but big enough to hold an M6400 and it's power adapter . Neal Stephensons Quicksilver (the hardback edition) a similar assortment of IT goods and goodies (spare BBerry battery, spare (ancient) phone, various chargers, USB cables, USB powered light, paper hankies, 2 sets of headphones (the airplane kind and the earbuds for the cellphone) external USB speakers, a bike waterbottle, a variation on the theme of packed lunch and 2 external USB disks.

Oh, and a couple of pens, the weekend newspaper and a paperbased notebook, and a lefthanded logitech mouse.

And since it's a backpack you can lug this around for hours with less damage to your system then one of those over the shoulder things.

Google's stats show few Android tablets in use

Gerhard den Hollander

where does a 4.5" screen get counted ?

The article stateth :

> .... with 86 per cent reporting a screen diagonal between 3 and 5 inches.

> In contrast, devices with screen diagonals between 4 and 7 inches represented just 6.5 per cent ....

that's either overlapping or a typo

(5 - 7 inches ? 3-4 and 4-7 ?)

RIM begs devs: Build for BlackBerry 10, we'll bung you $10K

Gerhard den Hollander

Not just the UK .. if you look in Europe (and also in Texas) every 4th or 5th phone you see people using is a blackberry. The difference is that those who have a blackberry stay with their current one, and dont feel the need to buy a new one when the next model comes out..

Mine is a 2 year old running OS6, and I have no urge or craving to get the most recent model with OS7 (in fact if it wasnt for the fact that the old one had a hardware failure and was more expensive to repair then to get a new one, Id still be using that one.

So BB is popular, but it just isnt driving near the number of new sales that the iPhone and android crowds draw

Gerhard den Hollander

as in .. Steve Baldmer ?


Ballmer predicts 400 MILLION Win 8 Surface and Lumia fumblers

Gerhard den Hollander

400 million

400 million devices running windows 8

375 million PCs running windows 8

so that leaves 25 million to be distributed between WP8 and the surface tablets.

Say 7 million Nokias, a few million samsungs that leaves about 15 million surface tablets

I say that's a tad optimistic

The world's first Windows Phone 8 hands on – what's it like?

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: measly 8MP

Well, apparently the 8MP camera is giving much better results then anything else in the phonemarket.

My ``real'' camera is an 8MP panasonic lumix , and quite honestly 8MP is more then enough for me.

99% of the pictures I take with it, I watch on my screen (2048x1152 or 1200x1600 or 1920x1200, all of which are well below the 8MP threshold). 8MP can be printed at 50x30 cm without noticable pixilating.

And quite frankly, Im glad some of my friends dont have 25MP on their phones, as some of them have never gotten the hang of downsizing before emailing.

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Are you serious?

Im still using a blackberry bol from I guess 2 years ago. Single core, even so, app switching on this never seems to take much time (less then a second as far as I can guesstimate.

(i.e. start typing email, need to lookup something so switch to webbrowser, continue typing, switch to endomondo to see how long the ride home took, switch back to email all without lags that are big enough to become annoying.

It's not really clear from the review if the background apps are still being tombstoned in WP8, but I would seriously hope not. (or at least not noticable)

Nokia tears wraps off new Windows Phone Lumias on steroids

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: So WP7 is the new Kin?

with WP8 ?

'iPhone 5' released by Chinese Apple copycat

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: As with all

> our phone seems to have a hardware fault - rebooting when attempting to use the camera sounds

> like an old samsung I had that did the same.

Maybe Samsung should start suing Apple over this then ... clearly it's a samsung design and original idea, shamelessly stolen by Apple ...

Apple and Google in talks to end patent war?

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Google Translate says:

> had to laugh at this. Do you truly believe anyone has any illusions about what Samsung does?

> That they've been copying products since forever?

That is beside the point of Apple fearing bad publicity.

A lot of Apple buyers buy Apple because they believe buying apple products make them a better human being, someone who does god and is good.

Having Apple appear as the bad guy (we patented the rounded corners) is bad for Apple's public image, and therefore for their sales.

Ten movies inspired by video games

Gerhard den Hollander

i liked the bbc version

... porbbaly because of it's cheesiness, painted on green, cardboard decors and all.

Which remind me, I need to find out who currently has my DVD-box set and get it back for a rewatch ..


Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Toasted marshmellow

but what you could do was at the end of the game get a magic string (forgot if it was just a string or a username/passwd combo), and if you typed that magic string at startup of a new game, you did not start with $10K, but with the amount of money you ended the previous game with.

And then you could buy the hearse and all the other goodies, and earn more money and .....

Visual Studio 2012: 50 Shades of Grey by Microsoft

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: So, from the title...

badly written pr0n mayhaps ?

Windows 8 Storage Spaces: Can you trust it with your delicates?

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Idiot -- he made a RAID 0 array

if you read the article, it seems the manager software said the maximum size would be 2T.

Maybe the storage manager should have shown the collective disk to be 320G in size ?

I seem to recall there is at least one company that sells NAS enclosures, where you can mix and match different sized disks, and get RAID5-like redundancy, wihtout being limited to the smalles disksize.

Samsung Galaxy Beam Android projector phone review

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: A solution in search of a problem

I dont know, but does gingerbread come with the ability to run powerpoints, or show an excel or word document ?

If so, it would make a good solution .

Another good use would be to show holliday snaps (or any kind of snaps) .

Streaming video and the olympics/ vuelta woul;d be another good candidate (provided those streaming websites run on the webbrowser on there).

Superworm Crisis eats Macs, VMware and - shock - Windows

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Where are you now ...

both of them must be worried then .....

RIM reshuffles UK and European team ahead of new OS

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: BB10 Will Beat Them All

i think that right now, when it comes to (company) email integrated in the smartphoe, blackberry still has everyone beaten.

For people whose main concerns with buying a new phone are:

- does it do email well [read, does it integrate with exchange]?

- can I text with it ?

- can I make phonecalls ?

and everything else is of secondary importance, the blackberry is still the most logical choice

(the physical keyboard is also a big help)

If WP8 will offer equal quality integration with private exchange servers MS might be onto something, although the lack of a physical keyboard might harm them .

Sacrebleu! Googleplex insists Bush is still le président américain

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Was it not Le Mond

LeMond was (and most likely still is by the time you read this) an American cyclist.

Deadly domino effect of extinction proved by boffins

Gerhard den Hollander

... in the tanks that only held one kind of wasp, the second went extinct ...

Ann Elk also had a pretty good theory on brontosauruses, which made as much sense as the species not being in the tank getting extinct

> In the tanks that only held one kind of wasp, the second went extinct within a few generations

Is this some kind of weird quantum entanglement ?

Where we get some kind of schroedinger wasp ?

you wont know if the second species is exting until you look in the box to see if the first species still lives ?

... puzzled ...

Windows 8: Microsoft's tablet-desktop still painful to swallow

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: 438 per cent better, but that is for drawing rectangles

only if they draw the rectangles with rounded corners

Climate change blamed for rise of life-draining horrors*

Gerhard den Hollander

Jurassic Park

I've seen Juraasic Park, and know how dangerous frog DNA can be.

I say, turn on the heaters, and kill all those frogs, before we get ravaged by hordes of velociraptors.

Fungi for the win!

Microsoft: It's not Metro, it's Windows 8

Gerhard den Hollander

W7 WP7 WP7.5 WP5.1

I liked wp5.1 .. one of the best editors of it's time. To bad the printing of a document could take as much effort as the actual writing.

At one point I'd made a keyboard macro (Ctrl-Alt-P I think) that did a save before a print. That one macro had saved me hours of work :)

BOFH: Our Excel-lent new boss and the diagram plan

Gerhard den Hollander

Indeed, but isnt that the whole point anyway :)

Gerhard den Hollander

Just read faster ... :)

Kaspersky spots Zeus for BlackBerry

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Hardly a surprise

Indeed, getting one CEO's phone and his bank account verification code could potentially be more rewarding then 100 android phones used by 20year old youngsters .

YouTube app wrenched from next Apple iPhones, iPads

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Never used it

Havent used it much, but mobile phones and youtube are a pretty good match when it comes to displaying throw away content. YouTube has it's uses, and youtube on a mobile has them as well.

And as another poster mentioned, YouTube + unlimited internet + public transportation makes for a good combo if you ran out of things to read, and cannot be arsed to make conversation with the people around you (who all are either reading or watching youtube on their cellphone as well).

Nokia flogged 4m Lumias, still bled €826m this quarter

Gerhard den Hollander

So nokia sold 10.5 million smart devices in Q2 ? is that Worldwide ?

And about 4 million of those were Lumias ?

I know the answer should be easy to find, but how many iThings and Android Smart devices were sold in the same Q2 ?

WTF is... WiGig

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Security?

Dunno .. apparently, with sufficiently sensitive antennas, and enough power you can extend the range of wifi into 100s of meters, maybe even kilometers.

As long as your receiver is sensitve enough to pick up the signal from the ambient noise, and your sender is powerful enough.

it's a bit like people saying they dont need to put a password or encryption on their home wifi setup, because it has too limited a reach. It might have too limited a reach for their laptops, but a bit of custom sending and receiving gear will prove them wrong.

So all it needs is a hacker with a bit of a mcgyver skill

Dell Inspiron 17R SE 17in Ivy Bridge notebook review

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: HD1080 === Low res!

Aw .. for fscks sake ..

I'm typing this on a 6400 that I got (long story) as a hand me down, but it has seen a lot of wear before Ii even got it.

1 USB port is dead, the 2 USB ports on the left work only if i wiggle them a bit, and the chassis is slightly bend out of shape . It has been used before by a traveling salesman, and has obviously had more then a few ``oops it fell of the table'' accidents.

Other then that (and the reason I stick to it) is that it's an extremely good workhorse/luggable workstation with a very nice scraan with a 1980x1200 resolution.

Now if not even dell will be shipping 1980x1200 transportable workstations, I wonder where we should go and start looking for a replacement brand :(

Can anyone point me to a laptop that has (at least) a 1200 vertical resolution ?

Microsoft silently kills silent, automatic Skype install via Updates

Gerhard den Hollander
Thumb Down

Test the updates ?

If one administers a bank of holding companies (or hold a bank of adminsitration companies or ... ) one would suggest that one would be prudent enough to either have ones own wsus server which pushes, or to at least have a way to bless wsus updates before rolling them out.

If an update is fatally broken, the reg (and a gazillion other techie websites) are more then happy to splatter the fact that the wupdate is broken all over your face ...

Microsoft's offices gutted in Athens arson attack

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Ladies and gentlemen...

Beware of geeks bearing grifts ?

Amount of meat we eat will barely affect future climate change

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Only one number that really matters

Birth control ?

Make contraceptives available, easily and cheap to developing countries ?

Convince the religious leaders that contraception is good , and urge their local representatives to spread that message to their congregations ?

Have governments all over the world use incentives to keep the number of kids per family low ?

You can try to control the number of people on this planet without immediately having to go to the extremes of mass-extermination.

Microsoft details latest Windows Phone update

Gerhard den Hollander

1991 called

import and export contacts to and from a SIM card ?

1991 called ... they want their new features back

Seriously ...

I used to have an old winpho phone (cannot remember the make or the model, but it had one of those stylus things which were (for me at least) really convenient ) that could do this.

I think if nokia looks in their basement they might find one of their old radiolinja phones that could already do this.

Windows Metro Maoist cadres reach desktop, pound it flat

Gerhard den Hollander

they deliver what they promised ...

... When they said windows phone would be just as good and as succesful as windows 8 ...

Although maybe not in the way people expected.

Ssssh. Apple quietly mashes monster MacBook Pro

Gerhard den Hollander

Re: Complete and utter madness.

3k x 2k on a 15inch screen ?

I'll need to see it in person to make a judgement on that, but can you even see that reolution at 50cms ?

Of course, you can enlarge your font sizes, and get back to the equiv amount of vertical letters you would get on a 1200pixel hgh screen ?

Anyway, Im withholding my judgement until I've seen the actual thing, but that resolution on such a small screen sounds a bit riodiculous.
