* Posts by h0bbes

9 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jun 2023

AI to power the corporate Windows 11 refresh? Nobody's buying that


That is one of my biggest peeves with recent iPhones. Photos taken with the X and even the 5s that I had ten years ago have better detail and more depth, with none of the smudging or oil paint effect resulting from the "intelligent" post-processing that is applied by the current phones. Surely all that post-processing is carried out by software. If that is the case, then Apple should add an option to turn it off.

Microsoft pushing, pushing, pushing Edge in Defender slammed as a 'dark pattern'


And so it begins (again)...

It seems that Microsoft has forgotten about what happened to them in the late '90's after they used their clout to force-feed Internet Explorer to their partners and end-users.

Climate change means beer made from sewer water, says North Carolina brewery


Just Add More Hops!!!

If the treated wastewater used to make the beer tastes funny, then that can be remedied by adding more hops. It is not different from what some breweries do to make crappy beer taste "better".

Updates are plenty but fans are few in Windows 11 land


Windows has been transformed from an operating system to an advertising platform. What was once the responsibility of software engineers to maintain is now the purview of Marketing.


Re: Bring back 3.11

I agree. Mac OS prior to System 8 had a very intuitive and polished interface compared to Windows 3.x. But compared to Windows 11, the Windows 3.x interface is way better than the steaming pile of pig manure that we have to put up with.

What if Microsoft had given us Windows XP 2024?


I think it was consistent until the advent of OS 8. That is when the superfluous eye candy and bloat began to creep in.


An Ideal Evolution

This proof of concept shows what I think would have been a gradual evolution of the Windows UI. It combines some of the good bits of the XP interface with the Aero effects from Windows Vista and the minimalist icons and widgets from Windows 11. Personally, I prefer the legacy Windows 2000 interface (and the Mac OS UI from versions prior to System 8) < insert long nostalgic sigh here >. But I would be totally content with the XP 2024 UI. It is more intuitive and consistent. This, compared to the daily reminders of how downright crappy and kludgy the actual Windows UI has become in its latest iteration.

Goodbye Azure AD, Entra the drag on your time and money


Meaningless Product Rename

This is just like the renaming of "Yammer" to "Viva Engage". What improvements or new features did the rename include? None. It has remained the same steaming hot mess of a messaging platform.

File Explorer gets facelift in latest Windows 11 build


A Facelift?

I'd describe it as being akin to putting lipstick on a pig. Microsoft is encumbering Windows with useless eye-candy and aids that supposedly improve usability. I am hopeful (and at the same time doubtful) that they will provide an option to view the File Explorer in "classic" mode.