There are 83,000 employees not 26,000. So 5% is over 4,000 staff.
Posts by Richard Laval
16 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2007
Cisco starts 'talent movement options', and restructuring amid real estate cuts
Cisco rations VPNs for staff as strain of 100,000+ home workers hits its network
Friday 3rd April 2020 08:15 GMT
Re: Split Tunnelling
One reason given for not allowing split tunnelling is to force all traffic through the company's monitoring and security systems. From a security point of view I can see the benefit but it is a pain in the ass when you have to keep disconencting the VPN so you can access your home lab etc.
Royal Bank of Scotland IT contractor ban sparks murmurs of legal action
Wednesday 20th November 2019 10:09 GMT
Re: Just the start
HMRC aren't being intransigent about the annual pension allowance causing the NHS problems. They are merely enforcing the law with regards to it.
It's the Treasury and the government minister's who thought it was a terrific wheeze who have been both in denial and intransigent.