* Posts by VonGell

34 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Mar 2023

How DARPA wants to rethink the fundamentals of AI to include trust


I offered the DAPRA to create AI in 2003-4, but they didn't want to...

Don't worry, folks, here comes Chuck Schumer with some ideas about regulating AI


By the way, the same thing as OpenAI and Microsoft can be done much, many thousand time cheaper. And eventually it will be… As I said: it's time for absolute privacy, but Microsoft is going in the opposite direction, wasting billions.


To begin with, Brin, Page, and Schmidt should be punished for halting the development of AI technology for the endless 13 years, allowing China to launch products that are equivalent to America's almost simultaneously. Thanks to these traitors the precious time was lost, and America lost priority in the most important technology of the 21st century. What valuable thing did Brin, Page, and Schmidt do? They could only steal my first patent, all while preventing me from creating AI.

America lost to China because of Brin, Page and Schmidt! Je blâme!

Worried about the security of your code's dependencies? Try Google's Deps.dev


Google goes down, Brin-Page-Schmidt are other:

That “shows what real competition will do,” Dintzer told Judge Amit Mehta. “What has been going on for the past 12 years is Google has been maintaining its monopoly. Would we have seen ChatGPT six years earlier? Would we see five other competitors competing for search? Those are questions none of us can answer.”


Baidu sues Apple and anyone else in sight over ERNIE chatbot fakes


Re: Yes

Google goes down. Brin, Page and Schmidt go down.

ChatGPT and other technology innovations may have been released years ago if Google hadn’t monopolized the search market, the Justice Department told a federal court Thursday.

That “shows what real competition will do,” Dintzer told Judge Amit Mehta. “What has been going on for the past 12 years is Google has been maintaining its monopoly. Would we have seen ChatGPT six years earlier? Would we see five other competitors competing for search? Those are questions none of us can answer.”



Money. They don’t want to lose whatever they have, knowing what American public will do.


Yes it can. Such models were originally developed with an eye to application in robotics, but the intervention of Brin, Page and Schmidt stopped the process. In order not to risk the money they won as a result of winning PA Advisors v Google, these people did everything to stop the pogress of AI and its development. They even sabotaged their own Waymo initiative.


By the way, Google also does not have the patents, which is the reason why Google is not in a hurry with Bard. Google could present the same product 11-12 yers ago.


Neither Microsoft nor OpenAI have patents on the technology used.


The basis of the technology, its parsing and annotation system, used by OpenAI is protected by American patents: all foreign company will have problems using their AIs in the United States. Therefore, the suing Apple is senseless. What's the point if you can't use it anyway?

US cyber chiefs warn AI will help crooks, China develop nastier cyberattacks faster


At the end of the 18th century Americans were “these bastards”, Washington was the first.

We already have at least two online artificial intelligence databases in which there is absolutely no crime: Microsoft and OpenAI; Apple and Amazon may soon join their ranks. Thus, cybercrime will remain only on the Internet, which will become 100% criminal. If you don't want troubles then don't use the Internet, stay in AI databases.


The present AI is a database (consists of structured texts), in which, by definition, there can be no crime: everything is transparent, every movement is known and can be traced. As for the Internet, "yes", we should expect a huge surge in crime.

We need to get rid of the internet by creating several artificial intelligence databases, such as ChatGPT.

What if someone mixed The Sims with ChatGPT bots? It would look like this


This is pure utilitarian search technology, nothing else. OpenAI added re-writing to the serch.


ChatGPT does not possess one and single set of traits which characterizes one person, and have no only one bias, being molded this way. The presence of individuality for a game is the crucial thing though, because the individuality is what can produce unexpected moves and deeds, both foolish and wise. Therefore, instead of using this giant ChatGPT model, one needs to construct an incredibly smaller and unthinkable cheaper model for a particular person, which contains all his knowledge and also his bias; there the bias will be deduced from the choice of phrases — let's say this model is approximately 500.000-2 million phrases instead of 150 billion for ChatGPT. (I call such models "lexical clones", because each reflects the inner nature of its prototype)

Alibaba Cloud to offer custom LLMs-as-a-service


Brin, Page and Schmidt are personally guilty of the fact that the development of these linguistic models were stopped in the US many, many years ago. The first such model was created 20 years ago, it really worked, about which there is a publication in NIST TREC. After that, these three achieved their victory in PA Advisors v Google, burying the development of AI for many years. J’Accuse!..

Now China has AI and these three got their billions.

Amazon: Diamonds are a quantum network's best friend


Neither diamonds nor other super-duper technological difficulties are needed. There is no need in hundreds of billions and trillions. OpenAI has already practically created and exploit a quantum computer, although in this case it is a by-product.


Nonsense! Superposition can be achieved based on the used, for instance, by OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology, for a negligible fraction of what it would require to develop this mythical 'quantum computer'. Indeed, the OpenAI technology requires the establishment of the importance (i.e., weights) of each text phrase, where these weights are almost always irrational numbers, which must be rounded to rational or natural. There you have the desired superposition.

Forget about idiotic “quantum computers” for trillions! The problem is solved for pennies long time ago.

In the battle between Microsoft and Google, LLM is the weapon too deadly to use


Re: I am not afraid of my use of LLM (AI for marketing weenies)

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. What else to say?

I made Philosophy a science, found a number in language…

Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works. What else can be said?


In a sense you are right: in general the information that OpenAI operates on is taken from unknown and often dubious sources. But since OpenAI is trying to sell its product, we can expect that over time it will be possible to trust the company and the product ChatGPT.

As for the topic of our communication... I got quite trustworthy answers. I say this because this is my technology and, apparently, the people from OpenAI paid attention to the selection of materials on this particular topic.


Re: I am not afraid of my use of LLM (AI for marketing weenies)

These models are simply sets of phrases extracted from clauses of paragraphs in texts, taking into account their weights in clauses and paragraphs, respectively, where these weights characterize the importance of the phrases. An example of using the weights can be found in the Laconic tradition of ancient Greeks: one word expressing a thought has a weight of 1 (the maximum importance), whereas two phrases from the next paragraph and sentence have weights of 0.5 each (twice less importance).

Additionally, each word in each phrase is annotated; for example, as a unique part of speech according to the dictionary, plus its unique meaning in the same dictionary. This is called AI-parsing and annotating; where this is the first and novel parsing in 70 years, the first and absolutely new annontating ever

For instance n-gram was used by IBM DB2, Oracle databases from the beginning of their days, as well as by Google search. The new made ChatGPT possible and n-gram gone.

Then, a search is conducted through the models as sets of phrases, taking into account synonyms of their words. The process is very simple and can be performed on a very basic computer.


Do talk to ChatGPT yourself? It will tell you the same thing I'm saying. The technology is one and damn simple, although making it is a very laborious task.


I know the used technology by heart, in all its details.

OpenAI had hired a huge, possibly hundreds or even thousands of teachers, linguists, writers, journalists and other individuals who are able to describe what they read and see. OpenAI received at least $1 billion in investment! And possibly several times more. OpenAI has been annotating for many years.


You are absolutely right. It seems that OpenAI created ChatGPT for advertising purposes, for marketing. ChatGPT relies on human-created texts, rewriting them and not going beyond the knowledge contained within them. This means that it cannot be said that OpenAI has created true AI, which the company confirms by stating that only ChatGPT-5 will be considered AI.


You know everything perfectly well and understand everything, you just don't want to admit your complete defeat. Your era has passed, you are hopelessly outdated and no one needs you anymore. You no longer have any influence.


What OpenAI and Microsoft presented is a search program. Through this paradigm texts are structured and annotated, so that those which textually relate ones to the given question can be found. Then, the most suitable paragraphs and sentences are extracted from the found texts, which are then rewritten composing new paragraphs. Phrases found in the context of the question and its history (its manually created annotations) are used for rewriting.

Therefore, the Artificial Intelligence in the program is only responsible for finding the answers and rewriting them in context.

The comparison with the Manhattan Project is legitimate because this ChatGPT program involves incredible and coordinated efforts in annotating words and phrases. Talk to ChatGPT?

Of course Facebook will monetize an ad-generating AI


Re: At last a use case!

AI technology was originally developed for advertising purposes, that was the idea. This technology was initially aimed at finding one-three words that would contextually answer the question asked, so that it would be possible to attach the same by sense, contexrually related advertising.

This is the practical implementation of the task set by NIST TREC QA, during which the the technology was born.


It is not easy to start advertising using OpenAI technology, as Facebook would need to spend years and years. For annotation alone thousands should be hired and a lot of time is required. At best, Facebook will have something similar to what OpenAI and Microsoft already have in two or three years. Zuckerberg's motivation is clear: Facebook's stocks are plummeting and will collapse the moment Microsoft starts selling its AI advertising.

Alibaba and Huawei set to debut generative AI chatbots


Philosophy is science: a number, objective number was discovered into language. The capital proof is Chinese who used the discovery in their language.

This is the discovery of our century! Humanities became science!


Are you still here? I told you: you are obsolete and should stop your nonsense.

Microsoft wants to stick adverts in Bing chat responses


The difference between providing just information and ads relevant to the search topic may be difficult to detect.


Microsoft receives preprocessed text and images from publishers in accordance with its standards. I wonder under what pretext the company plans to offer the same treatment for everyone?

Italy bans ChatGPT for 'unlawful collection of personal data'


Italy is trying to ban search technology, plus text rewriting. This is absurd!