* Posts by Mr Homeless Guy

9 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Mar 2023

OpenAI rolls out ChatGPT plugins, granting iffy language model access to your apps

Mr Homeless Guy

Ad Revenue

As for injecting ads based on keywords this is surely a non-problem for such a system. If you can ask it for a recipe and ingredients order, throwing a relevant ad retrieval call in the mix of calls is comparatively trivial, no?

Really though, this chatGPT thing can write python on-the-fly - it could code it's own ad call I think.

How Arm aims to squeeze device makers for cash rather than pocket pennies for cores

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: If you use our product, we now own a share of your company and demand a share of your profits

It'll be the same shakedown crap on software and hardware, the more successful you are the more you pay.

It does rather crush innovation and startup growth. Not really what we need from chip designers.

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: Let's see how strong Arm's ARM is... Will they have much power to strong arm?

I think 2025 will be the year of Linux on the desktop!

No reliable way to detect AI-generated text, boffins sigh

Mr Homeless Guy

It always makes me laugh that the so-called elites lobby so hard when they are under threat of being "freed up" by "innovative and disruptive technologies." The rest of us have to suck it up and offer thanks and praise to the magnificence of the capitalist elite's utterly righteous offerings(that the elites didn't invent of course.)

Mr Homeless Guy

Truly indistinguishable from human-generated content altogether then.

Ferrari in a spin as crims steal a car-load of customer data

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: Pretty sure it was Top Gear that summed up Ferrari.

I remember Top Gear describing Daniel Riccardo as working for the publicity department of a soft drinks company .. maybe it was Mark Webber they said that about.

Anyway I agree, a Ferrari is like aftershave really.

Vessels claiming to be Chinese warships are messing with passenger planes

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: Peak China?

If there wasn't a whole conglomerate of military powers operating there already nobody would be complaining. China is merely throwing its hat into the same ring to let others know they have a stake in parolling those areas too but those who already insist on their exclusive right to patrol start complaining that China are there now. It's a lolfest of domineering nonsense.

I'm no yellow star worshipper I assure you but the screeching complaints about China having military presence anywhere outside their borders are pretty hard to support.

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: Peak China?

Bullying through an increase in military presence in places it doesn't own ... oh wow! All countries do that, all with reasonable navies anyway. Look at it globally - Chinese sabre-rattling or American&NATO sabre-rattling. Sabre-rattling causes more sabres rattling. Annexed territory? LOL Stop blaming the boogy-man and blame the whole damn system.

Mr Homeless Guy

Re: Good Old Propaganda

Is the register one of those sites where everything that supports the left is fawned over with huge up-tick counts? LOL