* Posts by Wandee Thaweetham

3 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Mar 2023

China accelerates drive for scientific self-sufficiency

Wandee Thaweetham

Re: "How CCP is El Reg” is confusing, Wandee Thaweetham

With only one comment present for the article I guess that it was obvious to whom the reply referred to. However, in the age of computers it appears that even this logical train of thought has gone out of the window. It could also be that on Mars things are handled in a different way, but I wouldn't know about it and wait in anticipation when mankind gets there, manfromMars 1.

Wandee Thaweetham

Re: How CCP is El Reg?

I'm a newcomer to this forum and before I joined I read the articles and the posted comments, that seemed of interest to me. All this articles contained multiple comments from you and it let me a bit confused. Confused in the sense that I have problems to take you seriously. In 2020 you wrote that you have a daughter who is 20 years old and studies geography. One time you claim to be in the IT business for 30 years, here you claim 25 years. Before that you claim that you as a kid in the 90's had magazines which taught you coding. Here you claim you have two sons, 4 & 5 years old and one of your daughters is 11 years old now. Did you skip your youth or are you a time traveler.

You seem to change years of work experience, family links like they are a virtual reality. The question I have now is: How serious can your advice be taken, which you so generously add to most articles?

What Mary, Queen of Scots, can teach today’s cybersec royalty

Wandee Thaweetham

Re: One time pads: one more thing

The only time a completley safe communication channel is required is, if an adversary can rely on the fact that an attack on a cipher relates to a property that in its own right can be measured (plaintext). Remove that property prior encryption and turn it into a random string of data you have P = (M | C) with any m over c a probability.

The narrative how the OTP has to be operated has been pushed since Shannon published his proof of perfect secrecy for the Vernam system/cipher. However, Shannon's proof might has been rooted in the fact that he wanted to protect his entropy (H) and hence the three axioms he created only apply when using the modus operandi he suggested.