* Posts by CowHorseFrog

3684 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Feb 2023

Have I Been Pwned likely to ban resellers from buying subs, citing 'sh*tty behavior' and onerous support requests

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

How many people in todays economy are resellers of some kind adding no value but their parasitic percentage ?

France, UAE to drop €50B on AI mega-datacenter. Still nowhere near America’s $500B bet

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

What happened to the UAE hyperloop investment ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Build your own infrastructure

Isnt UAE the new hub for criminals around the world ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: psychic

and free hookers.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: One Gigawatt ?

How did they manage to build dozzens of reactors all them years ago ?

Why are building costs so expensive these days ?

Simple answer, managements.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge


Possible ?

Have you actually read the translations ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Be careful of the money guys

"us" ?

Microsoft 365 price rises are coming – pay up or opt out (if you can find the button)

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Bing has it built in

Bullshit it does.. for example search resuts for all the search engines still mixes resuts for Java and Javascript.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Lets be fair.. its bullshit all around.. All them office workers sending pointless powerpoints, spreadsheets, and documents that nobody reads or are pointless fake bullshit. Personnel and office suite can both go.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Good too hear that you are boring individual who cant think for themselves no matter how stupid the proposition.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Why is anything like 365 even needd in the first place ?

The entire concept is broken, most of those people could be fired and it wouldnt make a difference.

'Maybe the problem is you' ... Linus Torvalds wades into Linux kernel Rust driver drama

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Fair comment by Linus


The dotnet project doesnt push all their bindings into WINDOWS itself... that would be insane.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Fair comment by Linus

The wrappers should not be a part of the core in the first place. The cor eshould have only the bare minimum to make it all works. Extras like wrappers by definition should not be a part of core.

Huawei revenue growing fast, suggesting China's scoffing at sanctions

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Funny how ive never heard from the media or even here, the real traitors who should be hung for sending all that industry to China are American ceos from the past 30 years.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Yeh the funeral industry is skyrocketting in Russia, the only problem soon the Ruble wont be worth anything in the neaar future.

Musk's move fast and break things mantra won't work in US.gov

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Real Life Experience

And people say china is the enemy of America.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: You are missing the point.

Tim and Elon and Steve all run the same book, the cult personality thing that American preachers have been running for years.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: You are missing the point.

SpaceX is nt about profit its about pumping the hype and indirectly the value of tesla.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Experts who say they are experts are the best kind.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: President Musk for life.

Or fall out a window

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

I wonder when Musk opponents will start falling out of windows ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

This is the major disease in America. They think that money and lots of it is a the ONLY definition of being successful and this is why people like Musk are elevated and rise to the top.

Large portions of the country are mentally sick, from Wall Street to Republicans and more, they excuse everything and anything instead of actually being good people and making the world better for themselves and everyone else. This sort of greed never ends well, ask the People of Russia and Ukraine, where the Russian Oligarths took greed to th enext level a few years back.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Stop making excuses for Musk and pretending he has a syndrome.

He knows exactly what he is doing and has every m0tivation and intention to do so. None of this is a mistake.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Destabilising and breaking things *is* the goal, not their failure state!

Bullshit. Its has happened many times, and just happened. Only an idiot would deny that Musk didnt buy Trump 2024.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: President Musk for life.

Whats even more amazing is how american industrials who manufacture cars are always so ultra extremists.

Henry Ford was famous for his role in educating Hitler, the wiki story says he was deeply sorry after WW2, today we have Elon repeating the same storyline.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: How average people feel...

I guess this is what Elon learnt with all them calls to his mate Vlad.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

THis is the modern American MBA business plan. Fire everyone today, pay yourself millions for the saving, leave tomorrow and the company is destroyed shortly after.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: You are missing the point.

Musk value is another example of Wall Street bullshit. THey are always trying new and stupid iiresponsible hype scams.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: You are missing the point.

No he want. Living in space or on mars or moon is literally worse than living in jail on earth.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

As time passes its sad too see how much America is repeating the story of Russia.

Russian invaded Ukraine, because they have superior rights, and America has voiced the same wishes against non enemy lands like Greenland and Gaza. Both wave flags like crazy, both are obsessed about being "great", both worship their leaders and large parts of their population cant say a bad thing about Putin or Musk and so on.

Both insist how their countries are the greatest in the world, and one has many people without a toilet, and another has plagues of homeless people in major cities...

Google exec sees enterprise quantum app on closer horizon

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

In other news an executive talks utter bullshit.

Workday erases 8.5% of workforce because of ... AI

CowHorseFrog Silver badge


Just look at my downvotes and corporate america has really brainwashed them.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge


Hardly any different too whaT Putin says.... and yet American think ceos are gods.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

How in the world does crap like workday get funding in the first place ?

Google's 7-year slog to improve Chrome extensions still hasn't satisfied developers

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Ive never seen a story about what happened to the team who proposed v2....

Its like they committed the ultimate sin

Musk’s DOGE ship gets ‘full’ access to Treasury payment system, sinks USAID

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Its sad how many similarities there are between Russia and America.

Both wave flags, have big flags everywhere, nationalism is big, both have large areas who vehemently hate gays, both are obsessed with being great while actually being one of the worst western/european countries in terms of workers life and benefits for citizens.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Summary from The Economist

Foreign Aid by all countries is basically the government paying bribes so big business can skip a few local problems...

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

What makes you think that change is good, and the "saving" will somehow benefit the ordinary tax payer ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Let me predict in a year or so there will be a crazy tens or hundreds of billions funding for SpaceX.

You heard it here first.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: OK

The brainwashing of Americans and unfortunately other western countries who consume American media has been true for a long time.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Weeks ago i mentioned that Elon is effectively the president and people said i was wrong.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Did your life quality just double ?

Are you getting free medical, double the holidays everyone else in the world gets, working 20 hour weeks ?

Trump nukes 60 years of anti-discrimination rules for federal contractors

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Too many white men

What do you think about the quota of management ?

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Too many white men

Yes business like to make money, but lets be fair most companies are filled with parasites who contribute basically nothing to the end goals of the company. If you want to be fair they take far more than they generate for the company.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Discrimination never died it just morphed into new things.

People are not predisposed... people are as a general statement, selfish and aresholes. They do what they think helps them.

Oracle starts laying mines in JavaScript trademark battle

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Rename ja ascript

THey did drop the name, the standardized name of javascript is ecmascript.

Again this is another problem that only exists because of advertising ... javascipt was a marketing thing. where they tried to bullshit the masses with a stupid name.

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Green grass over here in C#/.Net

Yes DOT NET is open source, thats why you only have one choice.. the MIcrosoft way.

Google: How to make any AMD Zen CPU always generate 4 as a random number

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: There is absolutely no problem here.

Our friend bazza must be a fundamentalist who doesnt believe in zero because the bible and god and jesus never gave us a zero.

Humans brought the heat. Earth says we pay the price

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Why are you nit picking instead of acceting the better idea ?

Poisoned Go programming language package lay undetected for 3 years

CowHorseFrog Silver badge

Re: Go doesn't track the metric

You would think that tracking downloads would. be stamped into every googler, given Go is from Google.