* Posts by NotMeEither

6 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2023

FCC boss starts bringing up Musk's Starlink dominance, antitrust concerns


Prevent you from making sensible decisions

Taken direct from Starlink's website https://www.starlink.com/gb : Long term contracts prevent both you and Starlink from making sensible changes when necessary.

Gartner mages: Payback from office AI expected in around two years


They have left the "magic" quadrant...


What is the point of Gartner

Other than inflating hype bubbles what is the point of Gartner?

Samsung buys UK AI startup to give its products the personal touch


Re: specifically named mobiles, televisions and home appliances

However, now you have said that you'll have paragliders advertised to you endlessly...

Largest local government body in Europe goes under amid Oracle disaster


Woking was Tory when it accumulated its debt, which is now apparently forecast to hit £2.6bn, which makes Birmingham's debt look almost laughable...

Amazon mandates return to office for 300,000 corporate staff


Commuting is dead

I have zero interest in mainlining money directly into a privatised rail company to travel to an office and then remotely managing systems and staff that are not based in said office. Commuting as it was is dead and long may it remain so.