I have two adult male cats who are fixed so they can not make babies. We also have two school age kids and a new puppy. I say this to give you an idea of the family structure. The cats are also brothers from the same litter "litter brothers".
One of them is clearly an "agonistic" cat. He chases his brother around the house. Is always pinning his brother down. Tries to chase his brother off preferential spots. He demands the family give him attention even if the family does not want to give him attention. He teases the puppy. He is always blocking the puppy. He chases the puppy around the house. However he has never hurt the puppy.
The other cat does not fall into any of these three categories as far as behavior goes. He is more into sprawling out in his humans laps for long stretches of time. If none of his human laps are available to sprawl out in he has taken to pacing the house loudly crying.
My question is what category does the second cat fall in?