* Posts by Iain Turnbull

7 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Sep 2007

Ten... PC games you may have missed

Iain Turnbull
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Re: Bastion..

And one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard to boot.

McAfee ‘not a suspect’: CNN report

Iain Turnbull


"Wired has reported that he buried himself under sand, using a cardboard box to make sure he could still breathe, while police searched his property last Sunday."

I'm not sure this is how sand-boxing is supposed to work.

id Software Wolfenstein 3D

Iain Turnbull

Seems a bit harsh

Fair enough, it's dated, but I found it to still be a really enoyable nostalgia trip - I have it for my Xbox, and it gave me a couple of evenings of good entertainment while I played through it again.

Guy Kewney dies at 63

Iain Turnbull

He will be sadly missed

Intelligent, well-informed and funny to boot - the best tech journalist I ever read. Very sad news. Here's to you, Guy.

Suffolk braces for 300mph winds

Iain Turnbull

Seems to be a recurring theme

This happened for East Lothian addresses over the new year as well - they had me all set for the Apocalypse, but it didn't seem to come to much...

Gamers voice NXE woes

Iain Turnbull

Plural of "anecdote"...

...is not "data". People are still getting RRODs periodically - so would it not seem likely that some would coincide with the rollout of the new interface? Correlation does not prove causality!

Scots tell ET to eff off

Iain Turnbull

Location, location, location

Right next to the airport - cheeky little scamps.

Oh, and Andrew Heenan - seriously, get over yourself.