I was all ready to register thereisno.god
22 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Sep 2007
I had a think about this while I was cold booting the PDP-11 from the front panel........
Like the Big Brother idea - or any picture of a civil servant pissing data up the wall.....not like they would get used much is it ?
Please DO SOMETHING about that flame icon ? It looks like it was designed by Japanese schoolchildren.
I think the time is now right for a little blue icon with gold stars around it in a circle. Hey, you could even print the letters EUCCP in the centre.
Already left BT - broadband, phones the lot. Long term customer (over 10 years). Why ? Because they were even thinking about implementing this. The impending trial ? yeah good luck with that - thats the day the BT range goes in my blocklist.
Paris ? because Phorm know they are screwed.
Dear Bank
I keep my systems up to date for many reasons, only one of which is that I use them to access online banking. However, I would give your little declarations a bit more credence if your own internal systems were free of crappy old NT boxes running 15 year old software. ok ?
...and the FIPR Advisory Council includes.....(drum roll) Simon Davies of Privacy International. He must be having a left hand/right hand communication breakdown at the moment.
Or does that help to signal what might be in the (unreleased) 80/20 Thinking review that Phorm have declined to publish.
The debate has advanced so far ahead of the reporting......(not having a pop Reg, just life I suppose)....but these AV vendors are not looking at the whole picture.
Still waiting for an answer to "if I send mail (see phorm patent) from my non-phorm ISP to an opted-in phorm-ISP user, at what point will I be asked for my consent ? As the only answer to this is 'dunno' , how many years would you like to spend at Her Majesty's pleasure ?"
Ready to move ISPs the day this goes live.......
Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant - ask you nearest tree.
Of course now we are being told not to use incandescent light bulbs and to use these crappy dim, expensive, highly-polluting-to-manufacture-and-dispose-of low energy ones, the hippies are all wondering why the boiler is working harder.