Switched to Ubuntu years ago, more secure, faster, Spyware free land eaves any Windows version standing
Posts by harryajh555
3 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2023
Microsoft declares 2025 'the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh'
After 3 years, Windows 11 has more than half Windows 10's market share
Corporations start testing Windows 11 in bigger numbers. Good luck
Monday 9th January 2023 13:14 GMT
same for me, moved to Ubuntu about the same time, more secure, faster, and runs on much lower spec hardware - a no-brainer!
Occasionally I need to run a windows app on my dual-boot devices, I've always dreaded major MS releases and thought win 10 was going to be the last monolith release - I don't and have never trusted Microsoft, each release is rammed full of spyware, etc... - Linux is the way forward