* Posts by harryajh555

3 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2023

Microsoft declares 2025 'the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh'


Switched to Ubuntu years ago, more secure, faster, Spyware free land eaves any Windows version standing

After 3 years, Windows 11 has more than half Windows 10's market share


Not bad when according to Microsoft "Windows 10 is the last major OS release" - I can't stand their spyware-ridden junk personally!

Ubuntu for me, runs on old hardware and leaves Windows standing

Corporations start testing Windows 11 in bigger numbers. Good luck


same for me, moved to Ubuntu about the same time, more secure, faster, and runs on much lower spec hardware - a no-brainer!

Occasionally I need to run a windows app on my dual-boot devices, I've always dreaded major MS releases and thought win 10 was going to be the last monolith release - I don't and have never trusted Microsoft, each release is rammed full of spyware, etc... - Linux is the way forward