* Posts by Splatterplatter

12 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2022

Julian Assange to go free in guilty plea deal with US


Still a knobend.

Oh bugger, I was looking forward to his extradition, silly claims of being a journalist, grandstanding and general "look at me. I'm special" fuckwittery. Ah well, hopefully he will make lots of those noises in Australia and we can finally forget all about him.

I see he is still full of it...crowdfunding for his $500,000 jet fare...that's one hell of a charter fee, double the usual rates.

Cops visit school of 'wrong person's child,' mix up victims and suspects in epic data fail


I'm Brian, No, I am...

Had this too, police at door looking for Ms XXX at this address, turns out its same address, different town, I mean, we live on the High Street, must be unique! Other town is 8 miles away but has a similar postcode. Following this, we got parcels, mail & yet more visits from the boys in blue.

We met Ms XXX as she popped round to collect her parcels/mail after I sent her a postcard...which got to her no problem. This all went away after about a year or so, I think she moved away.

Latest wheeze is Amazon/DPD etc delivering to our back door claiming it is a house 4 doors down, it's been a hassle as they dont have a doorbell to ring, so just leave the parcel, sometimes in heavy rain, on the ground. I managed to catch one in the act one night and he showed me the sat-nav located our back door as the delivery point, he said he would put in a change request with the sat nav folk.

Finally, going back some 40 years, I used to get the university results of a person on the same course as me at Uni, we were doing the same course, same year and had the same name. I'd have kept it secret, but his marks were lower than mine (or were they.....).

Bosses face losing 'key' workers after forcing a return to office


Meh, after 29 years in post I know how they play the game, getting sacked would take 9-12 months, unless "gross misconduct". Handing in my notice let me set the timescale and dates. Besides, it's not like they have even put out an advert for my replacements yet & I am in a unique role, no one else in the org can "step in" to it. They are deep in the shit and know it.

As for moving on, early retirement beckons, I will become part of the brain drain post Covid retirees, all because there was no way I'd return to work in a cold/hot (pick your season) noisy, shit office with old furniture (I know, I bought it in 1996) & a 2.5hr daily commute only to spend my time doing the same online workflows and sitting on teams meetings/calls doing the exact same thing I've been doing from home since early 2020.


I heard the beguiling song of the HR Sirens calling us back to the office. I tied myself to the mast to avoid succumbing and flung my notice at them.

Mandate: Return to Work. Response: Fuck Off.

2 weeks to go....

It’s official: Vodafone and Three to tie the knot in the UK


Re: The resulting company has yet to have an official name

Given their shit coverage I propose: Throdaphone

Dell reneges on remote work promise, tells staff to wear pants at least 3 days a week


Vote with yer feet.

Had the same thing happen to me. From 2020 working from home was no problem, encouraged even. The Great Return occurred, was told it's up to you, we are fully flexible. Then, 2 months ago, HR announced mandatory 3 day return to the office.

Working from home had shown me how unbalanced my work/life was, not going back to that. Nope. Just a few weeks more to go on my notice and they can take their 3 days and shove 'em where it seems most C Suite announcements come from. Icon as that'll be me on my last day, looking for my keys to hand back forever....

America ain't exactly outlawing gas cars but it's steering hard into EVs


Re: Not practical

Tosh. Our Ex Dear Leader , Nicola, assured us Scottish wind was the way, it is, of course, superior to any other windy byproducts - All hail our glorious windy nation...err, um., along with Standby Gas, obvs.

Most Londoners would quit before they give up working from home


Not For Me

Just done my first two days of my workplaces new "must be in office 3 days a week minimum" edict after 3 years at home. New boss is a micromanaging bell-end who "loves data & reports on what you are doing". Small screens (2x 32 at home, 2x 22 at work) crap PC and awful chair, bad coffee and noisy open plan office full of mouth breathers. Less productive, less conducive and a 2.5 hour commute from rural life to center of a big city (way up North, over the border). About the only positive is I am saving a few pennies on electricity.

Finding it very difficult not to just hand in my notice.

Wife says I should just retire..58 seems a tad early, although cash wise its simple as Public Sector £21k pension already & wife continues to work and earns more than me (oooohh I can be a kept man!).

The balmy equator of Mars looks rich in opal-bound water


Re: Aussies in Spaaaaaaace!!!!

Complete with Outback Truckers to haul their mining gear. Best get onto Kenworth about their plans for a Mars-Earth shuttle with a heavy '70's vibe.

Icon because we can't have Aussies in Spaaaaaaace without access to a coldie or a slab.

Cops chase Tesla driver 'dozing' with Autopilot on


Re: Bendix

Holy Hell! A 3 Cat dishwasher!, I can only get 2 in mine, trying to add a third just blocks the rotating claws.

Engineers on the brink of extinction threaten entire tech ecosystems


Youth of today...

My son was offered an OPITO engineering apprenticeship straight from school, paid good money whilst learning with 2 years at College followed by 2 years paid work offshore on rigs, employment by an oil major was guaranteed if you wanted it. Youngsters clamoured for a place, his was offered to him without application after impressing oil firm execs with his homebuilt ROV (after school ROV club). He turned it down, against my advice, and went off to Uni to study Physics, dropped out after a year as it was too boring and not what he thought it would be.

Told him to find work pronto, I'm not keeping him in the alleged luxury he deserved...He found work as a trainee Web Dev, very small firm. Did that (and their hardware side & hosting) for 2 years, then got a job as SE, rapid promotions and job offers/poaching followed, 2 years later, he's a senior SE, heads up a team and salary is more than double mine.

He once told me aged 15, that he would be earning over £100k by the time he was 26, he got there a year early.

Meta axes two Danish datacenters amid shift to AI infrastructure



"Over the last several weeks, we've announced a number of steps that will make us a more streamlined organization..."

That will be the number of steps steps taken by your ex-employees from their cubicle to the door clutching an archive box of "fond" workplace memories...