I'm Brian, No, I am...
Had this too, police at door looking for Ms XXX at this address, turns out its same address, different town, I mean, we live on the High Street, must be unique! Other town is 8 miles away but has a similar postcode. Following this, we got parcels, mail & yet more visits from the boys in blue.
We met Ms XXX as she popped round to collect her parcels/mail after I sent her a postcard...which got to her no problem. This all went away after about a year or so, I think she moved away.
Latest wheeze is Amazon/DPD etc delivering to our back door claiming it is a house 4 doors down, it's been a hassle as they dont have a doorbell to ring, so just leave the parcel, sometimes in heavy rain, on the ground. I managed to catch one in the act one night and he showed me the sat-nav located our back door as the delivery point, he said he would put in a change request with the sat nav folk.
Finally, going back some 40 years, I used to get the university results of a person on the same course as me at Uni, we were doing the same course, same year and had the same name. I'd have kept it secret, but his marks were lower than mine (or were they.....).