Re: Re-usable...
Only if "You is blakkk?"
16 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Dec 2022
"who has the right to decide what other people can, and cannot, do with it" Was that a gunshot I heard? I'll call you an ambulance... your foot appears to be...elsewhere!
You have hit precisely on the crux of OSS and Linux in particular; Ain't nobody telling anyone what they can, or cannot, do with their code!
IIRC (and I do - checked!) Torvalds published the first Linux kernel in 1991? And the voyager missions launched in, oh, 1977? Please explain (with diagrams to aid the hard of understanding...) how they could be programmed using an OS which would not exist for fifteen years? FYI, I use Slackware and derivatives but - please tell me - what's the point of your post?
I am; I say that most of the neurons in humans exist outside of the brain, in the skeletal system, gut or interfacing with the endocrine system. This means that your shiny AI utopia will look a lot like Ed Gein's playhouse if you confuse 'human' with 'cognitive', the second of which is only a facet of the human experience.