Re: Love to be fired!
Here in the US you get nothing.
You may get 2 weeks pay as a conciliatory gesture, but if you make waves you are simply shown the door
25 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2007
Especially since that flavor of terrorism was almost entirely funded by the USA.
In a great irony, one of the loudest (and most ignorant) proponents of strong action against brown people "terrorism" was actually a major fund raiser for the IRA throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s - Rep Peter King, a staunch Republican in both the US and Irish meanings of the word ( )
Oracle's policy on clustering, partitioning, and running on VM has been consistent for ten years or more. Whether you like it or not, if this comes as a surprise you are working with the wrong sales team or consultants.
If you deploy on VMWare you have to license ALL the processors on that hardware. Alternatively use Oracle VM, Linux Containers, Solaris Containers etc. and enable hard partitioning. It's all very clearly laid out on Oracle's licensing web page.
I think I'd rather take my chances than some copper's opinion on what constitutes "sharing info the way we should be to make life safer.”
My life is just as safe as it needs to be right now and I certainly don't need any more surveillance, spying, nannying, or blackmail from unelected police authorities.
I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but it's totally incorrect.
There is a core multiplication factor applied based on chip architecture (generally 0.5 per core for intel chips - so one "processor" license is for two cores.
Running on virtual hosts is completely different. If its VMware you need to license all the cores on the chassis, not just those assigned to the application. If it's LPAR, Solaris Containers or Oracle VM you can create "hard partitions" and just license the cores assigned to the partition.
I will agree, though, that things can get ugly during audits - like zero discount and 30 days to get into compliance.
Yes it is - if the virtualization is VMware. You have to license ALL the cores on the chassis, not only those on which the application is running.
If you use LPAR, Solaris containers or Oracle VM you can get around it, but it's been a major issue for VMware and Oracle for years
Agree completely.
Those of us who have lived in NYC for a while know the "gypsy cab" operators that hang around outside the arrivals doors at LGA and JFK - that the city and port authority never seem to do anything about. Anyone who has ever used them knows that the $25 ride to Manhattan ends in a dodgy area at which the fare goes up 3 or 4X.
UberX and Lyft are this very same scam (may well even be the same cars and drivers) except with an app to deliver you to them.
Taxis are far from ideal in most of the US, UberX and Lyft are worse.
"Too many techies think being an expert in one area makes them an expert in others"
See, also, climatology and climate change.
I love when some fool with a BSc in engineering tries to point out the "flaws in methodology" that climate and atmospheric scientists have somehow missed in the last 35 years of research.
Apple's implementation of two factor auth is shockingly shit. And I say that as a fully-fledged fanboi, currently using 6 apple products and having recently been through the nightmare of AppleID.
While traveling earlier in the year someone tried to access my account from overseas (Apple would never tell me where, but Russia, China or Nigeria seem likely) and Apple therefore disabled my password. No problem, I thought, I have two factor auth and as a ten year plus customer I can prove who I am. The trouble is nobody cares about that proof - If you don't have that reset code your AppleID is toast forever. No matter whether you can establish that you live at the address they have for that account or have the credit card in your possession linked to the account or anything else. Because they have the ability to disable your password, it is really three factor auth - you need the password, the device and the reset code.
Other things I learned:
. You cannot reuse any email associated with any former AppleID with a new one
. You lose ability to update pas from the old account, but not the apps themselves
. Music is fine as long as you had updated to non-drm versions
. Not sure about movies or TV shows as I don't download them from iTunes
. Audiobooks were OK
. After getting another appleID your devices are now still locked to the old one (using find my iPhone, iPad, etc) and it's another fucking nightmare to get Apple to unlock them. You have to send them receipts for all devices (including work owned) and then badger them for weeks
. Apple support do not know what to do after that - you have to install each device as new (not from backup) attach to new AppleID and then reconfigure everything manually.
. Apple support is useless during this entire process
. The apple store is even less useful
The whole process really made me question my commitment to a single vendor, but Google are even worse than apple in this regard (and less responsive, if that is possible) and Windows is so shockingly crap at this point its not even an option.
The issue - at least in the US - is with the UberX part of their business. As far as I understand it, Uber drivers are licensed as hire cars and have the appropriate licensing and insurance. Lyft and UberX are just regular people in their own (newish) cars. As they are working for hire, they are in breach of their own car insurance rules (NOT covered by Uber or Lyft's liability coverage, which also seems very slippery) and, depending on the state, in breach of driver licensing rules.
In most cities in the world, cabs are notoriously bad and there has been little incentive to change that. An app like this is a good idea, but just deciding to ignore the law and pay fines for they drivers while doing so is a horrible way to run a business. I agree with the first poster who said that this is very much akin to Pirate Bay "disrupting" the copyright business.
So, yes, there are public safety issues, in that almost all UberX and Lyft drivers are driving without insurance and in many cases without the correct license endorsements.
I was just back in the UK for a short trip and twice had the "pleasure" of dealing with automated checkouts at WH Smith - first in the station in Manchester and then at Heathrow. In both cases the single assistant was in the back stocking shelves.
I truly felt like stealing the newspaper and stuff just to prove a point. Has the UK really become so honest and trustworthy in the past couple of years? Or are Smith's banking on the fact that anyone walking out with a newspaper will be tracked by CCTV all the way home and can be arrested forthwith?
I can see self checkout as an option, but to have no cashiers at all seems like madness.
The fact that "you" don't know is not the same as the scientific community.
And I think the committee that awarded my PhD in Palaeoclimatology might be surprised to hear that there is no such thing as climate science.
Your ignorance does not equate to the scientific community's ignorance.
But none of Oracle's tech products have license keys (not sure about the apps side). The onus has always been on the customer to make sure what they are licensed for and what is actually deployed.
In this case, however, I think a line has been crossed.
I live in New York and have AT&T. Their service is shit, but when I used T-Mobile (admittedly over 5 years ago) it was even worse. I live in Manhattan, walking distance from both Wall St and Midtown, and as I look at my iPhone now, I have 1 bar of service. I had to get landline service at home because so many calls drop / fail to connect that I can't use it for business.
For this stellar service I pay $140 a month for a grandfathered "unlimited" data (although they will cut you off after 6-8GB, so WTF?), unlimited texts, unlimited US calls, and an international plan that makes roaming and calls to and from other countries (slightly) cheaper.
I had better and more reliable service in Tierra del Fuego, on an Alpine ski slope, and in the underground in Seoul than I have in the middle of New York City.
So, yeah, I'd say the US cellular industry is ready for some competition and shake up.
I'm still waiting for AT&T to unlock the iPhone 1 I bought in late 2007 (although I took care of that by jailbreaking). I still ask them occasionally just to hear how the lies and justifications have evolved over the years.
I think the key thing for people living outside the US to realize is that (with the exception of T-Mobile) there is no discount on service for people bringing and using a fully paid-for handset. So my colleague who paid almost $1000 for an unlocked iPhone in Australia pays exactly the same each month as I do with a subsidized phone. That's the scandal here - in addition to paying 2-3x as much for service compared to Europe and having sub 3rd world service, but as someone else said above, that's the American way. For a country that talks so much about freedom and "markets, the US sure does love its dysfunctional monopolies.
You shouldn't believe everything you hear or read.
Yes it's been pretty bad (although it did launch when started and covered the correct scope), but there are plenty of people with political axes to grind who want to make everyone think it is the worst disaster in the world ever. Maybe I'm jaded, but I can think of dozens of government IT websites in the US and UK that never launched at a cost of hundreds of millions to billions each.
As Paul Krugman said, the Republicans are complaining that affordable healthcare is tyranny and slavery, but also complaining that it is hard to sign up for. What they are really afraid of is that people will realize that whatever the challenges and screw ups, the vast majority of people will be better off than they were last year. Republicans had 40 years to fix healthcare in the US and never did a single thing.
As an expat Brit living in the US, I'd say that petty theft is much less common in the rural US than in the UK (not so sure about the cities). At one time or other everything that wasn't chained down was stolen from our house or garden in the UK (including patio furniture, cars, televisions, and even paving stones from entrance). By contrast I have lived in a number of states in the US where houses in the country were never locked and burglary and theft is extremely rare - which is why this guy didn't lock his house or feel the need to chain down everything in his barn, shed, or garden. I hope we can all agree that it really shouldn't be necessary to lock everything up behind bars to prevent other people stealing it.
My ex in-laws have no locks on their house and usually leave the keys in all the cars and trucks on the farm in case someone needs to move them. Not going to tell you exactly where in case some thieving scouser decides to book a cheap flight over and have a "working" holiday.
I have to say that this is one of the aspects of living in the US that is much nicer than living in the UK.
Hard to know where to start with these comments - some just show an astounding level of ignorance of the subject.
It's abslutely fine to state an opinion on something which you are informed about, but it's always struck me as strange that so many people (Cheney and Bush included) feel free to state opinions on climate change without knowing any of the first principles on which the scienec is based. I wouldn't state any opinions on international currency fluctuations without knowing something about the subject, but so many people seem to feel themselves qualified to jump in on this.
Mr. Nix says 0.6 degrees C is almost meaningless - perhaps he should go and find out how much of an average global temperature change lead to almost 3 km of ice forming over Northern Europe and North America.
Tony says that people who he disagrees with attack their critics, he proves this by attacking people he disagrees with. The URL he references makes no conclusions either way, except to show variation over different timescales. He also calls Al Gore a screaming alarmist, but the scientists who work in the field (as opposed to people who disagree with Gore's politics) have almost universally praised Gore for his hard work in understanding and presenting the science in a clear and concise manner.
Mr Amalfi states some opinions on why he thinks scentists are playing with data and making things up - but doesn't provide any proof or data to back up these assertions. Tens of thousands of people have spent many years analyzing cliamte records, but somone who has looked at one diagram thinks that the trend lies within the error bar, so he knowsbetter than they do (not to say that scientists and consensus cannot be wrong, but give us a little credit, please). The term "tipping point" may be new to many people but the ideas of threshold behaviour, non-linear response, etc. hve long been studied by many branches of science and are necessary to explain many physical phenomena (search for hysteresis and magnetism, or laminar flow, for example).
The anonymous "media dogma" commenter makes a number of silly assertions such as that only 10% of available data is used (source?), "No-one looks at sun activity" - well, if you ignore 100 plus years of research and data. "No one has presented a graph of lets say the global temperature in north Europe over the past 2000 years, together with CO2 concentrations..." - well perhaps not on the Fox news website, but those graphs certainly do exist and have for 15 plus years.
This is not a simple thing to study or to understand. Understanding and analyzing requires some background in physics, chemistry, atmospheric science, etc, and simply stating that all the people who have put that time and hard work in are wrong because they disagree with you is umb and insulting. There are many things we don't know about climate change and its impact on the planet - but simply shouting down people and claiming that "many of them would have the world economy come to a screeching halt" is unhelpful and simply shows your ignorance. Do the reading, understand the science, participate in the process; but unless you hve the basis in facts and training, your opinions are ignorant and worthless.