That's right. Windows 11 is absolutely fine. But telling users with perfectly fine PCs that you'll only support the latest greatest so that Windows 10 users simply cannot physically upgrade - what did you think would happen? That people would chuck their PCs?
Posts by WhoDecidedThat
4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Nov 2022
Windows 12: Savior of PC makers, or just an apology for Windows 11?
CEO Satya Nadella thinks Microsoft hung up on Windows Phone too soon
It's hard to determine when Windows Phone died?
How about when they killed off support for business using Windows Mobile alongside when they re-wrote Windows Phone 7 to Windows Phone 8 and needed developers to re-write their app a second time? With no businesses willing to write apps for it after 2 re-writes in 2 years, I think that added towards killing it off.
Biden urged to completely cripple AI chips to China
Of PS2s and Nuclear Missles
Good old Joe might well have a point....think back to the time the PS2 was so powerful, Saddam Hussein allegedly was going to use it to control his missles, that the chips were soooo powerful, they transformed the missiles into supersonic warp speed enabled weapons. And even more frightening, they've watched Wargames and can build on it. This is serious man!!!!