* Posts by TryingSomethingNew

5 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2022

Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare IoT security fail you can imagine


In the bedroom!

Not only would I not have a Ring camera in the bedroom, I wouldn't have any camera in the bedroom!

Launching soon: ESA's Juice to probe Jupiter's moons for signs of possible life


Re: Caveats

Pah. That's not the same thing at all!

Samsung takes $3.1B gamble on OLED displays for tablets and notebooks


What happened to QLED?

Interesting. Up to now the only manufacturer of OLED panels has been LG, with Samsung pushing their rival QLED. I wonder what has changed?

NASA: Yup, thousand-pound meteorite exploded over Texas


"Initial results showed it was sensitive enough to image an Apollo landing site and the Tycho Crater on the Moon."

Tycho is one of the easiest things to see on the moon - just look at it. Apollo landing sites are considerably smaller and have never before been visible by earth-based telescopes. So this is either amazing or it really isn't.

Evernote's fall from grace is complete, with sale to Italian app maker



Shame, I've been using Evernote since it was as standalone client - v1 point something (I still have the client and it still works). In those days their mantra was 'free for ever'. Unfortunately, when they introduced their paid tiers the lowest level was more than I could justify for my modest use and when they started restricting use I switched to OneNote - which I've never thought as good. Now I'm a heavy user but not about to go back.

I noticed recently that they have further restricted use - it used to be two (three?) devices plus any device for the web version. Now its two devices full stop. Looks like I'd better find a way to export my old notes in case they disappear!