Sounds fair to me
Is this the same HMRC we know and hate ?
It will also stop Ip holders from doing dodgies
32 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Sep 2007
My comment never made it past the censorship.
Almost ever post above is pro weed. You lot make me sick. When somebody brings up the facts about the damage teh stuff does, you fall back on the old "cigs and booze" blah blah blah, worse than weed, blah blah blah.
Of interest should be teh fact that there are far higher numbers of people who consume booze and fags than weed. Thus you will get larger numbers of negative incidents.
Bet this post never makes it to the thread either.
God how I hate the stupid things.
Whats the point. Its instead of it's would be so much easier. The reason we say It's in stead of it is; is to make it easier and quicker to say.
the rest of course is utter tosh. Never will I spell colour in the american way unless I am using a forum opr html.
You will find that your situation is one of two things.
1. Revenge by the male staff for having to wear business clothes allt he time at work and the ladies can wear what they like.
2. You hang around comic book guy type geeks. the bad sort.
As as tall attractive clean long haired it tech all I can say is, your too late. I found myself the perfect women a few months ago so I am taken.
Also I can ask where were you when I was single and fed up with meeting girls with old chewing ghum for brains.
I thought Gordan promised not to roll this out ?
Personally if they roll out microchipped bins in my area I will in the spirit of being pissed off remove the chips and jump up and down on them.
We already suffer in my area with kids opening the bin lids and then they fill with water.
Also your bins end up with other peoples rubbish in them.
If they do this a V style march on London will be called for.
They are a bunch of tree hugging idiots who obviously don't have to work for a living. If mummy and daddy would cut off their trust funds they would have to get real jobs and they would find themselves more worried about how expensive everything is rather than the carbon footprint of everyone else. They would also be too tired to bother anyone else as for once they are actually working rather than having a "cause" so they can get laid by other stupid people.
Its just a question of economy of scale.
If enough people did it it would be cheaper than the £8 or £25 a day.
I drive my car every day of the week and it would cost me £9k a year just to drive my car ? sod that for a bloody game of soldiers. Even if it cost me £3k then ive saved moeny.
I agree with the tank guy above, I will be i another tank nearby also running over green nutters and to be nice and green, i will shoot them with recycled bullets :)