* Posts by Adam Onesti

8 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Sep 2007

Olympus shows off lens-swapping 'Pen' camera

Adam Onesti

Micro 4/3

So this is their version of the Lumix G1. Its a micro four thirds camera. It is a dSLR (we sort of...). I really don't understand the reasoning behind leaving out a EVF. Its the one big area thats going to make me go to the Lumix camera over the Olmpus one. Especially as the lenses will work on both manufacturers bodies...

BBC Micro creators meet to TRACE machine's legacy

Adam Onesti
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Don't forget the fantastic Exile or Revs. Dogfight though was great fun, I personally liked flying into the valley at the bottom of the screen to come out at the top...

I still have my Beeb somewhere, with the floppy drive, it still works as well :)

Asus: 'no plans' for 10in Eee PC

Adam Onesti

Screen edges

I just don't currently like the large black bars down the side of the screen in the 7" one. If the just filled the current eee pc's lid with a full screen it would be a whole lot better.

Honda offers FCX for '08, bitchslaps Google

Adam Onesti

Hydrogen leak

I'm wondering how Honda have got around this, or even if they have. I don't think it would be very sensible to offer a car that could fill you garage with explosive gas if you leave it standing for a few days. Unfortunately no one seems to have asked this question in any of the reports I've read...

More gnashing of teeth after Microsoft update brings PCs to a standstill

Adam Onesti

Specialist software and MS

I am amazed at the vitriol pouring at Chris C for his statement. Its almost like some of you have taken personal offence.

I'm sorry guys though, Chris C speaks the truth, for a lot of business use specialist software you cant get the equivalent in Linux. Its not just the programme either, its the support contract and everything else that entails with the providing company.

We're currently reviewing our software, we're an insurance broker in the UK, and there is no available mainstream, supported and proven software available that does not run on Windows. Nothing. Its not just the software availability that's an issue but the professionalism and support contracts given by the supplying software vendor.

I think to suggest there is shows a naivety about business software requirements in some business sectors. Yes you can the general stuff on Linux, and a lot of the big boys stuff, but that's not what a lot of business actually need to run. Each sector has its specialist software vendors (for Insurance in the UK its companies like Sirius, SSP, Acturis, Insurecom, etc.) and its this piece of software that makes the business, and its this software that is not available outside of Windows.

Finally, if you demand a Linux version (as someone suggested) they'll happily tell you to piss off. They don't care about it, don't want to support it and don't want to spend the time or effort to create it...

Only Sky can save digital TV

Adam Onesti
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Shopping channels

I completely agree, and further more what I think they should do is get rid of those 6 god awful shopping channels and give the channels to Virgin and Sky, 3 each or something. Hopefully that then would stimulate some form of content. Would also be interesting if an American cable channel like HBO could get in on the act...

Italian website names 40GB PS3 price

Adam Onesti

PS3 20gb

I still dont get this myself really, didn't Sony have a low end model that cost less, that they then didn't launch in the EU, namely the 20gb model.

Also I dont understand how they can remove the USB connections as has been rumoured, as how the hell would you then charge the controllers!

In fact if you look at the PS3 the only things the can conceivably get away with removing are the memory card readers and the wi-fi connection, which was what was removed from the 20gb base model... So if this does come about its basically going to be the 20gb base model with an increased 40gb harddrive and using the new PS3 reference design without the hardware emulation for PS1/PS2 games.

Consumers confused by HD

Adam Onesti

....and we're supposed to know this stuff...

Sarah, full HD does exist, on Blu Ray and HD DVD disks running at 1080p... TV channels though don't broadcast at this rate.

As for difference in picture, I've got a PS3 and HD TV and I personally cannot tell the difference between a Blu Ray film and an upscaled DVD. You can see the difference between a Blu Ray/Upscaled DVD and an SD DVD though. Then again I've got a crappy 27" LCD which only goes to 720p so...

As for H's, yargnad, you are correct a "an" is used to preceding a word beginning with a vowel, but it is also used in a number of smaller cases preceding a word beginning with another letter. H for example. Like in "an historic event", the H is silent and historic should be pronounced 'istoric.