This is all stupid.
I'm tired of this bullshit. Oh we can't trust Microsoft ball babies. Are you serious? Sony was sued recently for overcharging for games and content in another country but yet everyone still trusts Sony but yet no one trusts Microsoft just cause they are buying Activision? Oh wait let me guess no one knew about Sony getting sued for that cause no one pays attention to Sony when they do untrustworthy things cause Sony can't possibly do anything wrong in people's eyes just cause they are the top video game company and Sony would be er do anything wrong which is a bunch of bullshit. This whole deal circles around Sony and how Sony keeps crying about this deal and lying saying the deal will ruin them. Everyone knows that's bullshit but no one will admit it and everyone will just take Sony's side. Sony has some many exclusive games that's it's not even funny and on the other hand Microsoft is lacking in exclusive games but it's ok for Sony to have a shit ton of exclusives but when Microsoft starts buying companies to start to try to earn themselves cone exclusive games everyone loses there damn minds and wants to freak out and panic about it and make a huge deal about it cause no one wants to see another company come close to or become equal to how big Sony is cause Sony doesn't like competition. They just wanna stay on top with no one to compete with them. Sony is way overrated in my eyes cause they are scared of someone coming close to being just as good as they are and possibly dethroning them as the top gaming companies