* Posts by DrDoug

3 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Oct 2022

Elon Musk's latest brainfart is to turn Tesla cars into AWS on wheels


Data Privacy?

So if he wants to be processing stuff on people's cars all over the world, what about things like GDPR? Presumably that would mean each Tesla owner would need to be a sub-processor of the data for Tesla and therefore have an agreement in place for that?

Official science: People do less, make more mistakes on Friday afternoons


Read-Only Friday

For many years, due to past experiences, I've operated a read-only Friday philosophy - nothing worse than having your weekend ruined by something that was put into place on a Friday, even worse if it's a Friday afternoon!

Senior engineer reported to management for failing to fix a stapler

IT Angle


Many, many moons ago (late 90s), was working as IT Support at one of the big accountancy firms - the senior partner called me asking me to come and see him urgently, so I quickly finished what I was doing and rushed through to see what was wrong. Upon entering his office, he asked if I had anything better than sellotape to stick the cardboard index to his phone....

This wasn't his only stupid question, he also asked if he could delete the System32 folder from his Windows laptop to clear up space.