* Posts by zappa35

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2022

Windows 11 still not winning the OS popularity contest


Re: Awwwww, poor Microsoft

I get updates on my 1950x threadripper (unsupported) install of windows 11 regularly, same as my girlfriend's supported ryzen 2600 based pc.


Windows 11 works awesome on my 1950x threadripper pc, albeit in an unsupported state. It is wierd that it runs fine, but i get way less issues with it than alot of people get running windows ten on a similar pc. My only regret is that i wouldn't be able to have it this way as an insider's install, as i appreciated windows 11 on it as an insider prior to windows 11's release. No problems with aaa games, revit or office on it.

More than 4 in 10 PCs still can't upgrade to Windows 11


1950x works great with windows 11 in unsupported state.

There are pc's that can run windows 11 without issue other than the fact they aren't supported by microsoft. I use windows 11 on my 1950x threadripper based pc that isnt supported but i have no problem that people with supported processors don't have, and even then just minor annoyances of a new and great os. I did this by bypassing the cpu requirement check via registery and upgraded from a mounted iso of windows 11. I also havn't been denied any updates and all other requirements are met.