* Posts by Maxcypond

4 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Oct 2022

You could have heard a pin drop: Virgin Galactic reports itself to the FAA


Well of course

Of course they self reported, there are propepble 24 engineers looking at it. If nothing else THEY ALL KNEW. Your cannot keep thse things quiet even if you change them before the next flight, there is ALWAYS going to be a leak.

Why would a keyboard pack a GPU and run Unreal Engine? To show animations beneath the clear keys, natch


“It's such a fine line between stupid…and clever.” And, I think this is clever, but so unnecessary as to be very questionable. I think they have to show ist DOING something that is necessary and useful really well.

Collapsed Arecibo telescope to be replaced by school


Those kids won't be able to see a thing, they need a telescope....

Binance robbed of $600 million in crypto-tokens


Let's all be honest, crypto is over. In this highly technological and computer operated world it been proven time and again that fiat currency is becoming MORE secure- not less. Bills have weight; it takes actual effort, access, and tiem to steal; and its security has proven far superior. Electrics banking does not need crypto? Electronic banking based and on a fiat currency work well. Crypto is a waste of energy, it less secure, and the ONLY group who find it more to tehir advantage are organized crime and terrorists - which explains why they want it.