* Posts by Bluecube

9 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2022

For the record: You just ordered me to cause a very expensive outage


Re: Electrical Engineer?

Because the builder was Irish and was clearly identified as such in the episode.

Your trainee just took down our business and has no idea how or why


Re: Also fire alarms

Also hotels. I was assigned a disabled room in a particularly posh hotel. I pulled a light cord in the bathroom which didn’t work because as it (eventually) turned out it an alarm cord. When reception called to check everything was ok, I then proceeded to complain to the confused receptionist about the lack of free champagne I’d been promised…

Work for you? Again? After you lied about the job and stole my stuff? No thanks


Now that’s a story and a half. We all know stupid is out there and face it every day but ye gods, some folk are just STUPID.

Quirky QWERTY killed a password in Paris


Re: Paris...

I live very close to Rosyth. I agree it’s a hellish place particularly near the docks.


Re: All your QWERTY belong to us...

So THIS is where the Adeptus Mechanicus started off!

Don't lock the datacenter door, said the boss. The builders need access and what could possibly go wrong?


Re: rebooting the system

Moving further off topic, I tell enquirees that I’m a window cleaner. It’s usefully filters the snobby arseholes you don’t want to talk to anyway from the far more interesting people.

Boss broke servers with a careless bit of keyboarding, leaving techies to sort it out late on a Sunday


Re: "an on-prem email server"

It’s not rocket science. It’s particle physics!

Data loss prevention emergency tactic: keep your finger on the power button for the foreseeable future


“Color”? You wot mate?

Fixing an upside-down USB plug: A case of supporting the insupportable


Re: Upside down 3.5" floppies

Always though it was disk for floppy disks and disc for CDs