Makes Sense
Google signing up IPL
24 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Sep 2007
We have video import duty which the lovely EU charge all manufacturers. Its around 40% that those robbing EU policticans take from them forcing our pricing up
And they say they are fair to the consumer, but spare a thought for Norway as they don't have that tax but still pay the same as us
Considering the Beeb are wanting to hike up the license fee to cover canvas shouldn't they go with Hulu which is already working!!!
Am quite lucky in that I work for an amercian company and can VPN in from home to pretty much any country in the world which I find very useful to watch Burn Notice and other american shows about a year before they show up in the UK
Moron!! The problem you cant seem to fathom is that only the Rich can afford to drive in London as it effects a lot of cars you might not classify.
Just as Top Gear pointed our there are 17 odd Bentley GT Continentals registered as Mini Cabs, so avoiding the Congestion Charge.
Another tax from Commrad Ken as his beloved CC hasn't worked
You been sniffing glue!?!
Lets start with Storage
HD-DVD claim they have a 51GB triple layer one has ever seen.
Blu-Ray 50GB Double Layer already in production also has been proven of a 200GB disk.
Do you seriously think that HD-DVD didn't have region coding, its always been there just never activated!
If you also had of checked the sales figures after the Warner announcment you will see Blu-Ray Standalones outsold HD-DVD one (even with the firesale Tosh put in place) was what about 85% in favour of Blu-Ray
Oh and btw if it makes you feel any better HD-DVD was still paying royalties to Sony courtesy of Sony NEC Optiarc (yes the same NEC that did most of the running for HD DVD )
The problem is storing it, i recorded the transporter 2 from Sky in HD and on a box with 200GB it took up 7%.
In the end i deleted it after i watched it, to free up the space but had the urge last weekend (2 months after it was deleted) to watch again but of course i couldn't
As much as i like the idea of digital downloads, i would rather have the physical media that i can dig out and watch again and again while only paying once for
So NO you can keep your digital downloads i want a case to show off to people all the movies i own
I would say Solid State still has a couple of years to go before it goes cheap. The likes of Samsung will try and make as much money from it before prices nosedive like they always do in Memory.
As for porn coming to Blu Ray i would suggest wait unitl its all settled. HD DVD never had/have a sniff of getting Disney cause of the fact that they was prepared to licence to the porn industry
It also comes down to content Blu Ray is pulling away from HD DVD. As Michael Bay said (Director of Transformers) If Microsoft hadn't paid Paramount/Dreamworks $150 the format war would be over. But Microsoft are only in this unitl they get their HD Download format working !
PS: BT Vision is all really well until more people down your street start using it take your Bandwidth away then it just constantly freezes
How can you blame Just Sony there was far more compelling stuff as to why Apple, HP, Dell, Samsung all didnt want to go with HD DVD.
And let me make some facts clear for you
Sony and NEC mergered their Optical divisions and made a joint company which Sony own 55%. NEC was in the HD DVD Camp so pick up rayalties from all HD DVD and now Sony owns it they pick them up
PS3 only made a huge loss to begin with about 3 months ago they started to break even in the US (Europe is still a year away from breaking even)
Toshiba focus is too much on America and thats why its losing Japan and Europe. I know someone in Toshiba UK and says the sales guys aren't even targeted on selling HD DVD products
I have simply gone for Blu Ray as i have a PS3 and i can play all my old DVD's upscaled on to my TV and thats all i need.
Oh and another one for Deluded Tim DVD struggled to take off until the PS2 so can a console make or break (i think you answered it yourself with the sales of DVD's)
PS3 will still be available and your not going to buy a company and cut your sales are you.
Same thing happend when Sony and NEC mergered their Optical Business (NEC Was prime backers and suppliers to HD-DVD) of course Sony are still supplying Toshiba and MS as they are picking up royalties on both formats
Would be interested to know about the other semiconductor business tho