7 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Sep 2007
"presumably similar laws exist in Canada as well"
Short answer ... No such law for us Canadians
Too late.. look up 'Stainless steel wallets' Some has already thought of the idea.
All p*rn references aside.. 18,000 Megabit/second is about 18 Gb/sec
Isn't the industry rolling out 40G systems today and looking at 100+ G systems shortly? Whats so surprising about 18G?
You can actually get a copper to 'come round' for a theft of an Ipod? Plods mustn't be busy where you live!
No.. much better if they would put a message up on the screen listing the retards that still have their phone turned on!
You, yes, you... 3456838 Turn your phone off!!
Carrier is likely french, thus pronounced 'care'-'e'-'a'
Isn't space cold, near absolute zero.. so why do they need to cool it.. shouldn't they be heating it?