Re: preaching the gospel
I am still using Windows 7 Professional x64, which I purchased years ago - true Microsoft tried to cancel all of my serial numbers for the software and to stop my Windows 7 Operating System from working, by also disconnecting me from the internet (I don't know how they did that) after they turned off my computer clock, so that my time was always falling behind and I could not access websites without updating the time - but I got a fix that works from the internet (KMS) and an offsite server, which provides my computer with the correct time and has replaced Microsoft's defunct one, so sod you Microsoft - not happening.
I simply hate Windows 10 and I can't get Widows 11 to load on any of my old computers and that is probably why - I really don't want to have to buy a much newer and bigger computer, when I have upwards of 8 Windows computers, all running Windows 7, which should last me my remaining lifetime, with all obsolete software specifically for them - but then I hate being spied on by Microsoft and whatever I do on the internet of things - it is how it is - I have noticed that later versions of Windows Operating Systems behave like MAC's - I have several of those - you don't have to think with a MAC, it is all done for you and I absolutely hate that about MAC's.
I use a program called Deep Freeze (which is available for Windows 7 and Windows 10, don't know about Windows 11 and the new formats) which locks the registry in "C" drive, while "D" remains open and allows me to reboot my computer whenever I think it might have been compromised, simply by pulling the power lead and putting it back in again, after I have cleared the random remaining memory out, by pushing the start button - Deep Freeze allows me to reset my computers back to the way I originally set them up - in the "C" drive - everything else goes to "D", including my download program JDownloader, which is free and works a treat, after you have set it up with your internet download speed among various other things.
I have partitioned my original hard drives with a "D" or "E" partition - just the 2 partitions - my Operating System and all supporting software goes to my "C" drive and I download to my "D" drive and the partition also stops any viruses and so on, from getting into my "C" drive too, Deep Freeze aside, if I were not using it.
Windows 7 will only accept hard drives to 2TB, any drives over that, it can't "see", however, I bought portable hard drives which plug in (2TB) and stripped them down to the basic frame and SATA plugin, removing the screws on the back of the frame, so I can push fit hard drives, after connecting and disconnecting them from the pop up task bar on the bottom of each page - computer with a green tick icon down there, click on it to remove a hard drive - don't do it cold, you can crash your hard drives that way.
I also store my own stuff on my own 2TB hard drives - no cloud for me - I have a lot of stuff, collected over the past 20 years or so - I enjoy cataloguing, it was my work and my hobby for many years, so everything is unpacked, catalogued and where I can easily find it.
I buy new drives at competitive prices from e.Bay, usually postage free, in bulk - 5 drives or so, last for an eternity and on the really important drives, I have a backup in case one crashes, they occasionally do and I potentially could lose the lot - learned that lesson well with the early Commodore Computers!!
Sorry, Linux does not fit all of my needs, but it is a great way to update backwards Operating Systems
I don't use an Antivirus program, relying on my clean Operating System set up with all supporting software and Deep Freeze to keep it all clean. I have also noticed that Antivirus programs remove .EXE files, which many of mine are - having been made into portables, smaller programs and less demand on my hard drives, accordingly, so they operate like new all of the time.
You remember the upgrade where all Windows Operating Systems were upgraded to Windows 10 without the owners being notified - looked at your PC to discover it had been upgraded and if nothing worked anymore - tough. - Deep Freeze stopped that from happening - they could not guess my clever password - they knew, even said what I was using to stop them - they had a work around this time - don't know how they managed that - until KMS came along and resolved those issues - did not have to reinstall anything.
Now Linux - I tried Linux and it did not have any way I could run my video files, they were all incompatible and I did not know how to create a work around, so I use Linux to remove Windows 10 Operating Systems and the software block that stops you from loading earlier Operating Systems that Microsoft put in place, so that I can load Windows 7 again, no problem at all and the drivers are in place in the software, so the operating Systems should boot up and be internet ready - update the drivers later on, via the internet and update programs you can buy online - simple, while Deep Freeze ix turned OFF..
So my procedure for putting on an earlier Operating System is Windows 10, then Linux, then Windows 7 x64 bit, then KMS automatic - simple.
I clone my hard drives, where I can - the computers I use constantly are Desk Top Towers, it was easy enough to get inside them by removing a few screws from the metal plate on the side to remove it - my drives are all the plug in type, SATA, so I can replace a drive in roughly 60 seconds and be running again with all software good to go, if one crashes, for no apparent reason and I don't have to recover any hard drives, or need the corresponding software for that to happen - it all seems a waste of time for me - and I can switch the same Windows 7 x64 bit hard drives between PC towers and they work fine, except when the video cards are different, sometimes the output is different too.