* Posts by portman

4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Aug 2022

Microsoft thinks there are people on 2G networks who want to use Outlook


Re: "the best Outlook experience"

For those on planet earth that don't want to spend over 1k on a phone, lite applications do help provide longevity to our sub 500 phones.


Lite mode should be standard for mobiles

Maybe it's just me, but these mobile apps are getting far too data and battery hungry these days. Offering lite versions of apps that just get the job done should be the standard. I don't need this extra fluff like fancy UI's and doing more than the scope of say an "email app".

World spending more on cloud infrastructure than ever before


Re: pictures of kittens

Nothing boils my blood more than cat or meme videos uploaded to the cloud in 4k. Such a waste of data and energy.

Microsoft warns Windows 10 patch broke printing for some


Re: I don't see the problem

Linux is the worst for drivers. Printers not working, audio not working, wifi card not working.... Windows it all just works, same with Mac.