If you find my Kayak...
.. Feed him, and tell him to be fruitful, and multiply..
106 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2022
In a previous life, I worked for the the big X company, and we had machines on a military base. Literally 2 or 3 times a year I had to replace platen glass. This can crash the machine, so most of the time, I had "evidence" It ALWAYS got posted by the copier, and I think it triggered more events sometimes..
But I don't remember any copies with lederhosen....
"At the tail end of last week, Microsoft finally admitted – as it pulled 24H2 from the Release Preview Channel – that the Recall feature, which takes a snapshot of whatever is on the user's screen every few seconds, was going to need some changes before the preview ships on June 18."
I'm sure the IT "Meatbag surveillance \ Information retrieval team" are gutted ..
Most don't know, without travel to the island of Formosa; when the communist drove the ruling elite from the mainland, they took all of the treasures that were bestowed upon the leaders of China, for all those thousands of years.
These currently reside in in Taiwan. The displays are stunning, takes days to see what is displayed, and most is locked out of sight.
Maybe that's want the leadership want back...
who knows ..
( I could never read them )
" Just ask one of the millions of Brits who are raging mad that they got fed nothing but lies in the run up to our Brexit vote. Those lies have impacted on every life in this nation, making us poorer and more isolated than we ever were."
.. Now, Imagine how the American public feel about what TRUMP, and his gaggle of Cockwombles did and continue to do. Seriously it reads like very good\scary classic Social Sci Fi novels..
Fahrenheit 451 anybody?
Big Brother watching you from Mar-Largo ?
Something Wicked this way comes?
Someone please Cue, The Day the Earth stood still..
.. and it might be cow droppings ...
.. Lets hope the actual researchers get funds to research with; not the typical "Big hat, no Cattle" RepubilTards Texas seems to be good at raising and nurturing, and even rewarding even when they do boo boo's.. (I'm looking at you, Ken and the Texas Senate)
(At least you can eat a cow ..)
.. He's not an Engineer; he might point at something and say " Can we do that; its soo raaad"
..He's not an Applied Science Radio Frequency spectrum propagation expert; he might run up with a scrap of paper with a cartoon dinosaur he drew at lunch, and say" Looksies ... . Space Radio Dino's.. lets build a million.."
I hate to say it; but now he's over on Texas; mucking about with the local drinking water supply and fouling up the coast..
"Big" people tend to gravitate to-do "Bad" things (Brexit, War in Ukraine, Trump-pocalypse) ECT
It's a beautiful world we live in
A sweet romantic place
Beautiful people everywhere
The way they show they care
Makes me want to say
It's a beautiful world
It's a beautiful world
It's a beautiful world
For you
For you
For you
It's not for me
It's a beautiful world, For you
It's a beautiful world, For you
It's a beautiful world, For you
It's a beautiful world, But not for me
Sound barrier was broken in 1945 by Hans Guido Mutke
On 9 April 1945, Fähnrich Mutke, in his Messerschmitt Me 262.
Mutke went into a steep 40° dive with full engine power. While passing through the altitude of 12,000 m, his Me 262 started to vibrate and began swinging from side to side. The airspeed indicator was stuck against its limit of 1,100 km/h (684 mph) (the maximum speed of the Me 262 is 870 km/h). The speed of sound is 1,062 km/h (660 mph) at an altitude of 12,000 m, depending on the environmental variables. The shaking intensified, and Mutke temporarily lost control of his plane. He reported that with the airspeed indicator still off the scale he attempted to recover from the uncontrollable dive by adjusting the main tailplane incidence angle. Rather than just having a hinged elevator, the Me 262 could change the angle of incidence of the whole tailplane, a design feature that was later added to the Bell X1. Suddenly, the buffeting stopped, and control resumed for a few seconds. Mutke throttled back and his engines flamed out, and after the short period of smooth flight, the buffeting resumed and the aircraft began shaking violently again. He fought to regain control and re-light the engines eventually reducing the speed below 500 km/h. After a difficult landing, it was found that his plane was missing many rivets and also had distorted wings
(A computer-based performance analysis of the Me 262 carried out in 1999 at the Technische Universität München concluded that the Me 262 could indeed exceed Mach 1)
AMD was welcomed with open arms, and much BruHaHA ..
Projects I was involved in for a refresh across the German Federal State managed services choose AMD kit over Intel ..
( At the time, AMD Processors sipped BTU's in direct comparison with Intel.. even though the Intel CPU completed the job "faster" than AMD.. AMD processors were manufactured within Germany's borders; so it made financial sense IMHO )
It would be interesting to be fully plugged in to that decision not to subsidize a Intel FAB.