* Posts by AdeV

5 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2022

How Sinclair's QL computer outshined Apple's Macintosh against all odds


Re: QL was more than a failure. It was a total joke.

> I can go out and buy an old 128K Mac and as long as the capacitors and the fly back transformer are checked carefully before I turn it on ( capacitors are a problem with all 40 year old electronics) the Mac will work.

a) Good luck finding one.

b) The only one fully working one for sale on eBay UK right now, one partially working, and one dead one.

On the other hand, there are usually a dozen or more QLs on sale at any one time. Most of them work just fine. I have 10 QLs here, and eight of them work perfectly, one is a bit cantankerous, and one is dead as a doornail.

> Those who had the bad luck to work on QL's back then always considered them a joke.

Not really, no. Sure, the very first production run was a mess - but by the middle of 1984 they'd sorted everything bar the infamous "28 days delivery". By then you could get 512kB expansion, disk interfaces, even a hard disk if you had the pennies. And it still cost less than a basic 128k Mac.

Foxconn's largest iPhone factory back under COVID lockdown


Re: Bad News for Apple?

My Mrs comes from Zhengzhou, she showed me footage of workers fleeing from the factory, so it's definitely not producing any iPhones just now.

Is it time to retire C and C++ for Rust in new programs?


C++ can't die soon enough IMHO. Having spent years coding in GC languages, I recently came up against C++ writing code for an ESP32 chip. Hideous! I'm going to wait until Rust or TinyGo support the wireless functions, then use one of those languages.

The crime against humanity that is the modern OS desktop, and how to kill it


Re: It does suck

Hah - I remember writing a program waaay back in the mid 1990s (using VB3 no less), which moved the "OK " button away as your mouse got close to it...

Good to hear that Microsoft have finally caught onto this technique!

Visual Studio Code Server untethers developers from their workstations


At nearly 50, I'm no brainwashed kid... But for most languages and text editing tasks, VSC - especially with its remoting abilities and huge range of plugins, is now my go-to tool. I can be sitting here at home, writing Go code on a Raspberry Pi, and the companion code for an ESP32 on another machine - both of which are at the office...

The sole exception for me is C#, which Visual Studio does better.