Re: It's an easy go to
Freedom of speech makes only sense if there is a level playing field: if one party is yelling trough a battery of megaphones, it is well possible that other speech cannot be heard anymore, although you are free to utter it.
32 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2022
Long time ago, I had a manager that required extremely detailed project breakdown reports.
I knew that this data was not used afterwards, so I wrote a spreadsheet generation these randomly, with the total amount of hours spent and the weight of the individual items.
Everybody loved it, but the manager was a bit miffed when I told the story at my goodbye party.
Because the apps become more bloated and resource hungry every year. I had to upgrade my 4 year old phone because beyond the Google suite there was only space left for about 20 apps. The Revolut app was already struggling and there was no space left for updates.
FCC Spectrum Enforcement Division:
<qoute>Investigates and resolves unlicensed operation/operating without a license or outside the scope of a license (generally non-broadcast spectrum issues).</quote>
Other regulators like BAKOM in Germany have the power to seize or shutdown misbehaving equipment (and issue substation fines).
There have been security standards for software since the 1990s, and these are regularly updated and expanded. For example Common Criteria and all its derivatives.
Also, security was added to other standards such as ISA-IEC62443 for industrial control.
And there is a whole raft of industry specific standards, such as PCI (payment), HIPAA (healthcare)
The company I worked for used data aquisition system where half of the components used 110 volts and the other half 230 volts. Inside the rack, there were usually a few leads with C13 connectors floating around.
One day, I installed a new disk drive, and after powering up, I thought the fan was quite noisy. 10 seconds later, the capacitors on the primary side of the powere supply exploded with a loud bang.
Fortunately, the capacitor casing had burst on the foreseen weak point (no ribbons of wet aluminium foil flying around).
After everything had cooled down I sealed the capacitors with hot melt glue and the PSU worked fine (with the correct input voltage) till I received a replacement.
The reasoning might be: if your prodedures do not work well enough for format errors, why would we assume that they would work for security errors?
The list of complaints is the handling of a dozen or so format errors over several years.
There are methods of securing the communication to a secure device. One of them is the PACE key agreement protocol. One of the uses is in electronic passports, where an attacker can listen to the wireless communication. A more exotic application is between the security module and the processor in German smart meter gateways.
I would not consider this as an attack on a utility.
An IT system that was used by the water works was attacked, but this is not different from an attack on the IT system of a supermarket or a garage.
Very few of such attacks impacted the distribution of services (exceptions: Stuxnet, Dark Energy and a few more).
The attack on the "Capital" pipeline: the petrol kept flowing (technically), but if you cannot bill for it, there is a serious busines problem.
The company laptop was not well secured either. I worked for a big financial organisation. The firewall rules would not permit access to porn (and lots of other things), the whole PC was full of corporate spyware, and USB ports were disabled. Often difficult to get work done, but the organisation never has been in the news for IT mishaps.
A military lab was surrounded by a moat. For resilience, it was powered by 2 electricity cables, crossing the moat at different locations, with automatic failover.
One day the moat had to be dredged out. The dredger cut one of the cables, the failover worked perfectly and nobody noticed. The dredger processed its work, till it also cut the second cable....
A smart meter can give a consumer immediate and detailed information about his consumption. This enables him to adjust this by switching things off "I did not know that was using so much" or moving consumption to cheaper hours. That is where the 5%reduction comes from. After a few months of optimizing the new consumption stays the same.