* Posts by Ythermos

18 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2022

Starlink's new satellites emit 30x more radio interference than before, drowning cosmic signals


Re: Just for curious...

In a lot of Europe 5G is basically ubiquitous and even unlimited data is like 20-25 Eur per month.

Disney kicks Slack to the curb, looks to Microsoft Teams for a happily ever after


The revolution isn't coming soon. The days of horrible to write and test C++ are largely gone in favour of horrible to the user's hardware webview/electron apps.


Teams works perfectly fine on Linux and MacOS, so it's a user problem on your end ;)

Open source maintainers underpaid, swamped by security, going gray


Maybe it's a sign the previous OSS developers did their job too well!

Nothing inspires me to contribute more than a missing feature or a bug getting in the way of what I want to do - yet the majority of popular OSS packages have the basics covered so well that it rarely happens.

And similarly there's less opportunity for starting a new project and be actually competitive than there was before. Chance is you're not the first one to have the problem.


I'm sure a house price crash will mean that only house prices go down, and certainly won't throw us into another crazy recession from which wages will be stagnant for like a decade... Wait a minute this sounds familiar


Re: Competing with free

Really? Then why is pretty much the entire education and business world captured by Microsoft?

Oracle urged again to give up JavaScript trademark


Re: RE: deliberate spite

Equating a digital and physical property seems silly, especially since Oracle have done nothing with JavaScript but bark at some projects.

Regardless perhaps a better comparison would be if your property was a patch of grass on the footpath in front of an apartment building, and you shouted any time someone steps on it accidentally. In that case maybe the neighbours should be able to get rid of you...

Microsoft decides it's a good time for bad UI to die


Re: well that was crap

Honestly after a paragraph or two I just thought it was written by ChatGPT to be quirky in a techy way. The somewhat similar paragraph size and style of writing certainly makes me think of the drivel it spits out.

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


Re: Good

The reg is THT HPND because it's probably a made up story


Re: Good

Sounds like traffic police propaganda, not going to lie. So if I speed it's actually everyone else breaking the law because they're on my way? Sounds awesome!


Re: Good

After the first comment I was more with you but after this one it's clear you'll be the one slamming into someone because they're doing the speed limit causing you road rage, or overtaking cyclists dangerously.

Maybe you're that driver who was reversing their pick up truck on a country lane in a turn in the wrong lane the other day.. I'm sure that "made sense" to them

Seriously you deserve the speed limiter to be enforced on you at all times.


Re: Good

That would be really good, for some reason in the UK if there's even a drizzle somebody will crash on the A34, while it very rarely happens on sunny days...


Re: Good

Stupidest take ever, the 55mph was for fuel savings, and indeed check your fuel usage, you're likely for find the car significantly more efficient at 55 than 70 mph.

The natural speed limit on a straight road is the maximum speed I can accelerate to, if you're advocating to remove speed limits on motorways then I can get behind that, but removing the 50mph from a country stretch just because it's straight and you'll end up with a lot of deaths on the first turn at the end


Re: Good

Your whining about a system that, as you indicated, will mever affect your perfect driving to me shows two things: the system is good, ans that you're likely over exaggerating your 'perfect driving'.

I find the speed limiter excellent for 20 or 30 mph limits - it is far too easy to accidentally go over it, and claiming you're always on perfect knowledge of your speed is laughable.

In fact it should be taken a step further - the L/B mode on automatic which starts breaking as soon as you let go of the gas should be automatically enabled under 50mph. I reckon that'll save a good bunch of lives.

Mozilla CEO quits, pushes pivot to data privacy champion... but what about Firefox?


Re: Firefox just does not work on some web sites.

Big what if and yet I never see complains about websites not working in Chrome


Re: Manifest destiny

> and when, according to some, Firefox was allegedly also somewhat lacking and slow (although that's never a problem that I have experienced, maybe more of a Windows thing? (or perhaps a Windows + nasty too low spec craptop laptop thing?)).

Look that's just disingenuous, everyone knew Firefox sucked at the time in comparison to Chromium. That's why they went on and rewrote their whole rendering and JS engine ... which then had performance and crashing issues for years - and today I will admit is probably the fastest for PC.

Then again last year I tried the Firefox ecosystem. Found the Firefox mobile app would crash or stop loading pages regularly. So it still sucked in comparison. Chrome or Edge still works better across all my devices so..

It's just a bit silly to pretend that reality never existed.

Bill Gates says NFTs '100% based on greater fool theory' amid crypto cataclysm


Your source for Bill Gates vaccine microchips is a joke tweet? Amazing journalism bravo

Dear Europe, here again are the reasons why scanning devices for unlawful files is not going to fly


Re: Am I missing something?

Because they'll be on the special exemptions list, or course. These laws are for you and me, not for them