Thank you for a nice article
Thank you for one of the better articles about Alpine Linux that I have seen.
Wifi is supposed to work and even if it is not very polished, the setup script is supposed to detect your wifi interface (wlan0 for example) and let you connect via wifi. I suspect that in this case the hardware was from a time where wifi driver was often not open source. It worked fine with raspberry pi last time I tried.
The issue that you could not log in due to home directory was missing surprised me. I am pretty sure that the home directory is created. So I think what happened was that you didn’t install it to disk, and then rebooted it. In that case home will be missing. To avoid that you could do: `lbu add /home` before the `lbu commit`. But you could also have avoided the reboot by simply running `openrc` after setup -desktop to start the services.
I had a look at the missing icons and the problem seems to be that adwaita-icon-theme-42 removed some icons. It looks like they were supposed to be shipped with gtk3, but apparently that doesn't happens, so we will need to find some solution for this. (Thank you gnome for that)
Will try fix both issues for 3.16.1 release.
A neat trick to test alpine without disk, directly from network in qemu:
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2048 -enable-kvm -serial stdio -cdrom
After login, run `setup-alpine -q && setup-desktop && openrc`