* Posts by sarusa

344 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2022


It took seven years but over-40s fired by HP win $18m settlement

sarusa Silver badge

The a-holes with the most money win again

This is HP's near-complete victory (complete would have been getting it tossed out). $18M is nothing. They were penalized much less money than they saved each year by this rampant age discrimination.

So once again big business is reassured it can do whatever it wants and make more money that way.

33 AGs sue Meta for 'exploitative and harmful acts' against American children

sarusa Silver badge

Absolutely true

So many adults are dain bramaged by Facebook (Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Fox News, Daily Mail, etc) - you can easily tell the ones who use them as their primary sources of information if you have to talk to them, as their mouth gapes repeatedly like a goldfish and what comes out is 'HURRR derp hurrr durrrrr barghle warrrgharble'.

However, the law (in the UK, US, and many other places), generally has a fiction that an adult is well educated, sound of mind, and is perfectly informed and can make all the right decisions even though the companies have a million times more specific relevant info and the rich have armies of analysts and accountants. Because the law is for the rich, by the rich, of the rich. So if you want to go after some bad guys you have to go after them for their crimes against 'the chiiiillldruns!' because there are actually laws against that.

Facebook, though, has been very obviously malicious for two decades to anyone who was paying attention. The real question is what took them so long?

X marks the bot: Musk thinks spammers won't pay $1 a year

sarusa Silver badge

PLEAAAAASE give me some money, any money

It is absolutely worth $1 US for any spammer to be allowed free rein on Twitter.

Elmo just desperately needs the money.

Tesla goons will buy anything – including these $150 beers

sarusa Silver badge


I sure hope that bit about 'alpha males' was ironic (the 'buggy, unstable' is correct), because any guys slavishly lapping up everything Elmo does or says, while on their knees, are hardly 'alpha'. I hate the term and the a-holes who use it unironically, but I think this is beyond any interpretation of it.

'buggy, unstable, bootlicking, wannabe alpha males'?

Tell me Huawei: Chinese giant wants to know what made EU label it high security risk

sarusa Silver badge

I guess they can't just say the real reason...

Which is that Huawei is (by Chinese law) an arm of the Chinese government, and has large cells of the CCP embedded in it. It /is/ the CCP.

Of course you can point to similar situations elsewhere, like how AT&T is the US govt's eager bitch - but in the EU's case (and elsewhere), an aggressive and hostile China is an actual threat. If Xi tells Huawei to take down all their comms, today, they will. And even without something so obvious, there's still China's 50+ years of large scale military and industrial espionage - their moon lander, done with the best ESA and NASA tech, demonstrates it's still working very well. You can't trust your communications to Huawei.

Microsoft says VBScript will be ripped from Windows in future release

sarusa Silver badge

It's an abomination, but...

VBScript is an abomination, but... what's going to replace it for say, Excel scripting?

Well the answer seems to be you need to pay MS to python in the cloud, how convenient.

Unity CEO 'retires' in the wake of fee fiasco

sarusa Silver badge

Doesn't really matter

Unity took tons of dirty venture capital money and now they have to return value on that, new CEO or not.

Fabermetrics at Ars made a really great comment about this, so let me just quote that:

> This is less a CEO issue and more a "must pursue eternal exponential quarterly revenue growth" mindset issue. Once a company starts making these moves, they will continue, no matter what. Expect microtransactions for lines of code written in unity, frames rendered, load time booster packs, the most scummy monetization ever. The MBAs running these places are programmed from birth to do this. You can rotate the exec board every month for a decade and they'll still push it. Its a dead company, time for everyone to move on.

And now for something completely different: Python 3.12

sarusa Silver badge

You monster

> f-strings can now handle multi-line expressions, comments, backslashes, and Unicode escape sequences.

They can even handle infinitely nested f-strings. Here is the example they proudly give for that:

.. f"{f"{f"{f"{f"{f"{1+1}"}"}"}"}"}" # (outputs '2').

I am firmly of the conviction that if you ever use multiply nested f-strings * or worse, multi-line sub-expressions, in your f-string literals so as to make your python code unreadable you are a monster. At that point you might as well just be writing perl for maintainability.

* There is one non-criminal use for all this, which is programmatic string composition. i.e., your f-string includes a variable which contain another f-string(s), and things get evaluated till there's none left. As long as people stick to this things will be fine. But you know some people will commit horrors just because it's allowed.

Having read the room, Unity goes back to drawing board on runtime fee policy

sarusa Silver badge

They're lying

They're lying again. They've floated this once, they will come back to it after backing off this time. That's how it always works.

And once again the Spawn of Satan icon gets overuse.

X marks the spot where free speech clashes with Californian transparency

sarusa Silver badge

'free speech'

Lawl, 'free speech'. The only 'free speech' that 'free speech absolutists' like Elmo care about is their own, or people he agrees with. Elmo's Twitter (X) is blocking messages on a massive scale, but if you're a white supremacist, (after The Grimes Incident) viscerally hate trans people, Elmo has your back.

sarusa Silver badge

He said Tesla had full self driving autopilot too.

Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history

sarusa Silver badge

'Enhanced Ad Privacy'

'Enhanced Ad Privacy'

Gotta love the utterly Orwellian name here. And once again the 'Spawn of Satan' icon gets hauled out. I hope it gets a year-end bonus.

Microsoft billing 3 cents a minute to revisit tedious Teams meetings via API

sarusa Silver badge

Re: Meeting Tax

| He thought I was joking. I wasn't.

Managers think they're only doing their job if they're in a meeting or doing one-on-ones (which are two people meetings). The more people attending and the longer it goes the better, full stop. Managers are there to ruin your productivity.

You're telling the union electrician that maybe it would be okay if you let other workers plug their own laptops into the power points, attacking his very existence.

India's Moon mission continues to triumph, Japan's waits for better weather

sarusa Silver badge
Thumb Up

[party face emoji]

Sincere congrats to India here. The last one failed, but they learned a lot from it and tried again, and succeeded. Unlike China, India's space tech isn't all stolen - they had to work hard for this.

Especially nice to see this in the same week that Pooty Poot's defective tech - showcasing the glory of the Russian Empire - tried to steal a march on Chandrayaan-3 but spectacularly crashed and (metaphorically) burned.

Microsoft makes some certification exams open book

sarusa Silver badge

It's only sane (to start with)

Yes, all the people who did it by cramming all that stuff (and forgetting 95% of it after the test) are going to be annoyed. 'Back in MY day, son...'

But having full access to the internet is how most people do their jobs. When I need to know what's new in Python 3.9 I just search for that. Locking it down to only Microsoft Learn is still clutching your pearls, but I guess it's a start.

Microsoft OneDrive a willing and eager 'ransomware double agent'

sarusa Silver badge

Re: Relatively easy...

* hand waving, sorry, the sort options per thread are persistent, which is generally cool, but made it look like the initial post had disappeared, but now I've figured it out *

sarusa Silver badge

Re: Relatively easy...

You only need need to get /user/ access, not admin access. So basically you just need to get the user to run an executable, or have Outlook do it with all its security holes, or all the usual ways you get an executable run on the target machine. Then the executable just has to create junctions, which can be done with plain old user access. Then OneDrive will happily encrypt all the files, and since it's running as administrator it can get to (almost) everything. And corporate anti-intrusion software, which is supposed to spot and stop this kind of specific suspicious behavior, will just go 'Oh it's OneDrive, must be legit'. Then you use the android OneDrive app (with the keys you grabbed from OneDrive's logs) to delete the original files so all that's left are the encrypted ones. OneDrive does /all/ your dirty work for you.

So yes, this is a quite a security hole. It only needs user permissions, bypasses nearly all EDR, and OneDrive comes pre-installed on all Windows machines (and keeps coming back like cancer ever if you remove it).

Start rummaging: Atari's new 2600+ console supports vintage cartridges

sarusa Silver badge

'a mild step up'

Yes, this hardware is way more powerful, but it's not natively running the 2600's chips, it's just a software emulator. So it needs the extra power to overkill it. This is basically just putting a RaspPi in a case, cheap and easy - though adding the hardware to read the old carts into memory is a nice touch.

And this seems way more practical than the stupid 'next gen console' nobody wants that they've been promising for how long now?

IBM shows off its sense of humor in not-so-funny letter leak

sarusa Silver badge

IBM: Ha ha we really hate old people who know what they're doing! So we have to go with cheap memes and hope we can be like the Wendy's Twxttxr account!

Musk's latest X-periments: No more headlines, old posts vanish, block gets banned

sarusa Silver badge

'The pair of orders follow claims from the world's richest man on Friday that X would also eliminate blocking from the platform, except for direct messages, which many users feared would enable more harassment on the platform.'

To Elmo, more harassment on the platform is a /feature/. That is why he decided to buy it in the first place, to make it for friendly for racists, nazis, and right wing trolls. He even said this, though he didn't explicitly name them as racists, nazis, and right wing trolls for some reason *cough*.

Also, can you just stop calling them X in the headlines? It's still Twitter, f@#$ Elmo. Don't give him the satisfaction of playing along with his every stupid whim. You could call it Twxttxr, or if you need it for the SEO, then say 'Twitter (aka X)'.

Microsoft teases Python scripting in Excel

sarusa Silver badge

Nice in concept but...

I love the idea of being able to use python instead of their terrible BASIC (VBA), but now /every single/ python calculation in the spreadsheet gets sent to TEH CLAUDE and back?

So now even simple spreadsheets are network chatterboxes and don't work at all if you don't have network access, like on a plane or way the eff out in the field, or maybe your ISP is just having yet another outage.

The obvious reasoning for this is so they can have a peek at your data and even more so they can charge you fat subscription fees for it. They're trying to make Office entirely cloud hosted anyhow (so you can't even run it locally) so this would be one more step towards that.

Moscow makes a mess on the Moon as Luna 25 probe misses orbit, lands with a thud

sarusa Silver badge

Re: "rushed attempt"?

This is absolutely rushed in the sense that it was mandated just because Pooty Poot has had so many humiliations in the Ukraine war lately and thought maybe they could still be relevant in space (the one thing they have going for them because they're riding on 50 year old legacy), so it got pushed through even though the engineers knew it had almost no chance of working. It was entirely political. 30+ years in planning means worse than nothing if your capability has been plummeting every year because it's a rapacious kleptocracy.

Unless you have the engineering down and are confident about the components and design, if you just flail about and launch it for purely political reasons it's RUSHED - even it you've been working on it for a hundred years. And Pooty Poot's kleptocracy is no longer capable of doing anything other than destroying nice things, which is what Russia has been best at since Ivan the Terrible (with a very brief blip of 'Okay, they're pretty good at space').

Microsoft DNS boo-boo breaks Hotmail for users around the globe

sarusa Silver badge

A brief respite

If only it could have broken all of outlook, those are the truly good days.

Tesla knew Autopilot weakness killed a driver – and didn't fix it, engineers claim

sarusa Silver badge

Re: Risk tolerance

"I think part of the problem here is that some drivers simply have a higher tolerance for risk than is healthy; self-driving systems are not yet fully autonomous"

It's not really 'higher tolerance for risk' because what risk is there in letting your 'Full Self-Driving' car drive itself? Yes, there is some small print, but it's called 'Full Self-Driving' (and still marketed as such, I just checked their site quickly) and Elmo will tell you on Twitter any day of the week that it's 'autopilot' (and that the car gets 50% more range than it actually does).

The problem here is that Tesla has purposely lied to everyone, about multiple things, to sell more cars. They knew this didn't work and covered it up. And some of their buyers believed the lies because you can trust 'the world's smartest man', right?

80% of execs regret calling employees back to the office

sarusa Silver badge

Re: Meta chief and human being Mark Zuckerberg

He had the tortoise murdered after the first failed attempt.

sarusa Silver badge

I'm in the US, and people who live near me think 20 minutes is about as far as they want to drive each way to work. My last job where I had to go in every day (pre-COVID) was 15 minutes.

Of course I'm not in one of the big dysfunctional cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Houston... Those completely warp your psyche and sense of reasonableness. The 2 hour each way commuter is someone who gets a job in, say, Los Angeles, but can't afford to have a family home in Los Angeles, so they go live in one of the outer ring areas. And of course we have no decent rail systems so then they have 'no choice' but to drive into the complete hellhole that is Los Angeles traffic every day, and then drive out at night, ditto. I don't think (opinion time!) anyone in their right mind would consider 2 hours each way a reasonable commute daily, especially if it's driving so they can't be reading, gaming, etc while doing it like people on a train can. I've known some people who 'had' to do it for a while, but at least they understood it was a terrible thing, hated it, and eventually escaped it.

If you're talking about two hours total (one each way), then I would still consider it quite excessive, but it's what typical people driving in those big dysfunctional cities are doing every day and they've just accepted their fate. So yeah, not 'unusual' for them. And even in the medium sized cities (Honolulu, San Diego, Charleston, Colorado Springs, El Paso, Knoxville), where you can reasonably get a home near your job (or vice versa) you have some people who just decide to live way the heck out in the middle of nowhere because they can build a house cheaper there, but that's their choice, not necessary. Most of us do not want to drive that much. Driving cross country on holiday is fun, commuting is zero fun.

sarusa Silver badge

Ha ha, no

Management never knows what it's doing. It always goes by its FEELINGs.

And their FEELINGs were telling them that their FEELINGs were hurt by not having enough employees to jabber at senselessly all day in the office and ruin their productivity.

So back to the office you go so executives can feel like they're actually doing something useful again (they're not).

Beware cool-looking beta crypto-apps. They may be money-stealing fakes

sarusa Silver badge

'money-stealing fakes'

So these are even faster scams than the real crypto apps, which are pyramid scheme scams but generally longer term?

Lawsuit: We've got the stats to prove Twitter ax fell unfairly on older, female engineers

sarusa Silver badge

A tough sell

This will be a tough sell because it's hardly the worst thing Elmo's Twitter has done and gotten away with. And then there was IBM, which got away with much larger scale very obvious age discrimination (with recordings and emails between IBM execs admitting they were doing it and needed to do more of it, now).

Sadly, the bad guys with the bottomless legal pockets (IBM, Oracle, Twitter, etc.) usually win, or at worst 'lose' but the penalty is a tiny fraction of the money they made doing it so they're effectively rewarded for their evil deeds. Elmo should be held liable here, but given past history I find it hard to actually believe he will be.

Of course I could name a lot of other corporations and people there (Exxon-Mobil, AT&T), these are just a limited few in a specific industry - otherwise this comment would be two pages long.

Scientists strangely unable to follow recipe for holy grail room-temp superconductor

sarusa Silver badge

As expected

Again, much like 1989 Cold Fusion claim.

These are people who don't even know enough about what they're supposedly doing to even describe their lab setup properly, much less actually create a room pressure/temperature superconductor.

Linux has nearly half of the desktop OS Linux market

sarusa Silver badge

Re: If its running Linux it is Linux

> ChromeOS is a desktop Linux with the Linuxiness stripped out.

And that last line is the kicker - it is technically a Linux kernel but for the 'THIS is the year of Linux on the Desktop!' (TitYoLotD) people it needs to be flying its Linux flag high. The whole point was that users would have an epiphany and would dump Windows (and then later MacOS) like the plague and move to the enlightened world of the non-commercial OS. That is absolutely not the case with ChromeOS. They're not running ChromeOS because it's Linux, they're running it because the laptop was cheap, and for the most part they have no idea it's even Linux.

Now I'm not one of those TitYoLotD people, so I'm fine with counting those as Linux desktops as long as you realize that your number now has zero ideological relevance any more. Linux on the Desktop is no longer an aspirational open source dream, it's just the cheapest way for a different giant amoral corporation to sell you its products.

sarusa Silver badge

Amusingly, MacOS is technically more Unix than Linux is.

We will find you and we will sue you, Twitter tells 4 mystery alleged data-scrapers

sarusa Silver badge

Four IP Addresses

So in other words, Twitter has nobody left who knows how to block four IP addresses. And these look they're all from Linode, by the way.

Seriously, any competent network setup would warn you about this happening instantly and optionally block it. But those people all left.

Producers allegedly sought rights to replicate extras using AI, forever, for just $200

sarusa Silver badge

Good lord

Gawd damn, this is serious corporate dystopia right out of Cyberpunk / Blade Runner.

I really wish there weren't so many articles that just demanded the use of the 'Spawn of Satan' icon.

Celsius feels the heat: Ex-CEO arrested, watchdogs line up to sue bankrupt crypto biz

sarusa Silver badge


Trials like this should be:

Judge: 'Blah de blah opening stuff'

Prosecution: 'Cryptocurrency, your honor'

Judge: 'Guilty, guilty, GUILTY' *hammering the desk with gavel*

No fuss, no muss. Well, I guess it would take some time to decide the extent of the jail time and fines. :)

Three signs that Wayland is becoming the favored way to get a GUI on Linux

sarusa Silver badge

Yeah, technically it's very possible. When the application makes a drawing call, the window manager just rescales it based on what window it is and and what monitor. Like AC said, Windows does it no problem, even for windows that are across multiple monitors with different resolutions and scaling factors.

The big hassle is putting in all the UI and hooks for all this, and handling the edge cases (literally in this case, har) where the window goes across multiple monitors. Basically, you just need some developer to care enough about it to put in the work.

LG to offer subscriptions for appliances and televisions

sarusa Silver badge

Spawn of Satan

This is why my TVs never get to connect to the internet. They are just dumb display devices. And at the rate things are going they definitely never will.

Indian developer fired 90 percent of tech support team, outsourced the job to AI

sarusa Silver badge

This kind of makes sense

Having suffered through useless Indian outsourced support many times, even very recently, AI has to be better since they're nothing more than just blindly reading scripts without comprehending a single thing. I'm sure well trained AI can be much more helpful than just 'You must to be rebooting, I cannot be helping you further if you can not to be doing the needful'.

Oracle pours fuel all over Red Hat source code drama

sarusa Silver badge

Though in this case it's more like Singularity Black vs Vantablack.

Startup that charged $1.20 a day for coworking space in nightclubs folds

sarusa Silver badge

Good gawd

This sounds like taking open office (which is already Hell) and making it the 9th circle.

There are few things skeezier than a nightclub during the day. They're dirty, the furniture is NOT comfortable (it's not trying to be), it is absolutely not designed for desk work (ditto), and every single sound is audible from everywhere. You're going to be hearing those douchebags on the phone all day long. They didn't provide any extra furniture or expected tech like external keyboards or monitors. And they didn't even have snacks or drinks, you had to use the company's own skeezy app to order some to be delivered whenever. Yeah, this is upper management's wet dream (they'll have real offices), everyone else's worst nightmare. Of course I can't help but fear this is the glorious future for the terrible corporate Elmo bosses of the world and and this was just ahead of its time - but then instead of nightclubs they'll probably just use public pavements (sidewalks).

Missing Titan sub likely destroyed in implosion, no survivors

sarusa Silver badge


The CEO looks at you and very seriously nods and explains how safety concerns are completely overblown. Seriously.

sarusa Silver badge

That was just sarcasm, from the CEO's very aggressive comments before this happened.

But I really should have put a /s on it, because in the era of Trump and Johnson there is no such thing as too stupid to be serious.

sarusa Silver badge

Re: A fitting epitaph

'safety is pure waste' should be the only thing on his tombstone.

sarusa Silver badge

Re: AP news

Even worse (?), the front window was only designed for 1300 meters. The Titanic is at 4000 meters. The company that made the window offered to make them one specced for 4000 meters, but Rush told them to sod off.

I am truly morbidly curious whether the hull or the window failed first.

sarusa Silver badge

Yeah, there should have been no rescue efforts at all - seriously. Those are just the government doing unnecessary safety meddling in the industry with taxpayer money. 'Pure waste!' as he put it.

But I'm glad they at least sent down a remote drone or two at the site so we actually know what happened to these fools.

sarusa Silver badge

'Debris Field'

Can we just call it a 'Hubris Field'?

Well I'm glad we at least have some closure on this and know what happened to those idiots. Or at least the one titanic (har) idiot and his four victims.

China admits local semiconductor industry can't match world class reliability

sarusa Silver badge

Step it up!

Since everything they have is stolen from elsewhere (Japan, US, EU, UK, Taiwan, etc) and they're fantastic engineers but incapable of making fundamental breakthroughs (everything socially supports fawning compliance with existing paradigms, and I use that word with full irony), this means they're going to ramp up the IP theft from everywhere else to get themselves up to snuff, and that's what you should expect from this declaration.

Oh, great. Yet another tech billionaire thinks he can get microblogging right

sarusa Silver badge

Choose your Satan

Zuck has been actively evil even longer than Elmo. Are you really going to trade in Trump for Hitler just because Trump hasn't been doing enough to kill non-white people lately?

Okay, bad analogy because MAGA voters are fine with both Trump and Hitler ('he had some very important ideas!'), but I'm not going for either.

Canada plans brain drain of H-1B visa holders, with no-job, no-worries work permits

sarusa Silver badge

Please do!

I really, really, hope they take all Elmo's hostage Twitter employees, because that would be awesome.

US cyber ambassador says China knows how to steal its way to dominance of cloud and AI

sarusa Silver badge

They certainly know how to steal

This is true - they're great engineers but only mediocre at fundamental science (that requires too much creativity and rule breaking, which are cultural taboos). But they have an IP theft program completely unrivaled in the history of mankind that's been running for decades. From random citizens at every university and tech firm and world class hacking into every university and tech firm, they're completely unmatched. It's breathtaking, like a shorn scrotum. Their space program, for example, is the best of NASA and the EU's stolen tech with engineering improvements. They've really innovated at quantum communication after stealing the base tech then improving it to a remarkable extent. They can certainly do the same with cloud... AI is a bit more wobbly, because I really doubt that ChatGPT4 is the endgame (things are changing too fast, and China is incapable of making fundamental advances to it), but they can certainly exploit what there is to the max.

Now, the whole part about other nations banding together to regulate and prevent that... all I can say is LOL. The other thing you can completely count on is that greedy bastards in every nation will continue to give China whatever they want in exchange for access to their manufacturing.
