* Posts by just another charlie

7 publicly visible posts • joined 30 May 2022

Twitter is suffering from mad bro disease. Open thinking can build it back better

just another charlie

Re: Judas

Oh dear, I seem to have come across one of those echo chambers. I think your going to find that it is the dems who are using their control of the cities to keep their positions and even expand through massive voter fraud. And all the major newspapers are complicit in this too. Not a conspiracy theory, just a plain old conspiracy. And ignorant fools abound. Which is why we will never get out of this situation breeding homelessness at a never seen before rate. And until you lot snap out of it, things aren't going to change. Were screwed. The internet is enabling people to realise whats going on, but you lot, the original IT developers are stuck in your ways, when it comes to getting your news. BBC is BS propaganda, and so are 90% of the newspapers.

Elon Musk reportedly outlines horrible Twitter layoff process

just another charlie

Re: The blue bird rises like a Phoenix

Your in the wrong place for that kind of talk. This lot would vote Biden in again if they could. Try telling them that the newyork post tried to publish an article on Twitter which exposed Bidens son Hunter for the influence peddling crack head he is by detailing his lost laptop, only twitter censored the article and any other factual anti democrat articles too. And they will just call you a Musk fanboy or something similar. They dont care about freedom of speech, they been totally brainwashed by the BBC for their entire lives because the BBC is a non biassed and factual news source dont you know.

India's – and Infosys's – favorite son-in-law Rishi Sunak is next UK PM

just another charlie

Re: You're all smart people (cough cough)

I don't see how they use the services less. I would assume living the high life entails using more services. Albeit a lot of the services will be used through proxy such as by agents who are benefitting the indivual in question. As in their private health care uses the infrastructure. Their private helicopters use the air traffic control also.

Musk tries to sell Tesla's Optimus robot butler to China

just another charlie

I can see the headlines now. Hackers send Robo-butler on bank robbery missions and assinations

Just a matter of time.

Ransomware attack on UK water company clouded by confusion

just another charlie

Re: Thames Water... had 'very bad holes in their systems'

I dont see how it can be so hard to find a leak. You just measure the water going in one end of the pipe and compare with the amount coming out the other. Then keep moving the location of your measuring rig. I imagine some kind of expandable plug that travels down the pipe.

UK lays world's longest autonomous drone superhighway

just another charlie

Excellent and about time, already places like australia employ drones for delivering urgent items such as blood to remote locations. Here in the UK we don't have the remote locations, at least very few, but we do have a need for high speed deliveries. Most major hospitals already have a helipad, yet I don't see the NHS taking advantage of them for drone deliveries. By drone here I'm not talk about DJI Phantom, more like massive industrial sized drones capable of speeds of hundreds of miles an hour and carrying 100kg, 100s of miles. With such a load capacity, a human body could even be put in a protective cocoon and flown to another hospital if some emergency treatment was needed.

Pictured: Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way

just another charlie

Re: Pah, They set the constraints for a black hole. And a black hole was what they got.

Or read the many papers that say they got a different image using the same data, such as,


Or try yourself using the open data,


And another paper discussing problems with the reproducability,

Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration at -> https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10267

Paper discussing more differences found in the maths and what was produced




I could go on, all those people thumbsing down, basically because I didnt bow down to their magazine articles authors great knowledge and instead used my own knowledge of math to see straight away that only accepting data that fits a model is going to give you, a picture of the model.