Forums Special Features → The Reg in Space

Make space for The Reg in Space week. All week we'll be bringing you the best of what's happening on this planet and others.

State Forum Posts Latest Post
open Work to resolve binary babble from Voyager 1 is ongoing 34
open You could have heard a pin drop: Virgin Galactic reports itself to the FAA 28
open 40 years ago, an astronaut first took flight from the Space Shuttle 9
open Rocket Lab is a David among Goliaths in the space race 13
open Space exploitation vs space exploration: Humanity has much to learn from the Voyager probes 57
By ArrZarr
open Square Kilometre Array prototype 'scope achieves first light 5
open Japan's lander wakes up, takes blurry snap of Moon 15
open Astroscale wants to be the world's friendly neighborhood space garbage collector 29
open Fresh details on the flash that sits inside Mars Perseverance Rover 5
open Phosphates on Enceladus could mean sub-surface oceans teeming with aliens 14
open James Webb spots the early galaxies responsible for tidying up the universe 10
open Japan's revised space security plan reportedly considers counterstrike capability 10
open After scaring the world, China shows off 'chute that can aim Long March rockets' descents 12
open Parker Solar Probe uncovers mystery of 'fast' solar winds 4
open Beams from brightest gamma ray burst ever seen were pointed directly at Earth 20
open Family-owned aerospace biz throws a wrench in Boeing IP lawsuit 34
By Contrex
open Study recommends mandatory 3-year vacation so astronauts' brains can recover 14
open Caltech claims to have beamed energy to Earth from satellite 43
open Scientists think they may have cracked life support for Martian occupation 82
open James Webb smells someone having barbecue in galaxy 12 billion light years away 14
open Uncle Sam wants DEF CON hackers to pwn this Moonlighter satellite in space 13
open Mars helicopter went silent for six sols, imperilled Perseverance rover 42
open LIGO cranks up the sensitivity to sniff out gravitational waves 23
By _Elvi_