Reply to post: Re: I suppose it's all moot for me personally?

Google wants to target you – yes, YOU – with AI-generated ads

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I suppose it's all moot for me personally?

while I haven't seen my extensions disabled, for the last... month or so, I have noticed that when I open a link to youtube, a new tab opens allright, shows the content for half a second or so, then goes black. Like, ALL black (that' propa blocking!). I need to refresh it and then it loads the content (sans ads of course). It's a tad annoying and it might be either accidental, or accidental-on-purpose fiddling by google, cause every little helps, you know...

That said, I've noticed that since I see no ads on any sites at all, I've become oversensitive to them whenever I have to use other people's computers, it seriously annoys me to see ads ads those ads noisy, ads colour-ads-vibrant ads before ads the ads start ads of ads every ads fucking ads video ads ads ads. But then again, it might be my age.

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