Reply to post: in a single sentence where every word begins with the letter "G."

OpenAI claims GPT-4 will beat 90% of you in an exam

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

in a single sentence where every word begins with the letter "G."

"Now all in g! A sonnet, trochaic hexameter, about an old cyclotron who kept sixteen artificial mistresses, blue and radioactive, had four wings, three purple pavilions, two lacquered chests, each containing exactly one thousand medallions bearing the likeness of Czar Murdicog the Head-less..."

"Grinding gleeful gears, Giggling gynecobalt-6o golems," began the machine, but Trurl leaped to the console, shut off the power and turned, defending the machine with his body.

- S. Lem, The Cyberiad, 1967

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