Reply to post: Re: Why?

Beijing grants permit to 'flying car' that can handle 'roads and low altitude'

Grunchy Silver badge

Re: Why?

All these fancy hotrod junk are dreadfully easy ways to get yourself killed.

Motorcycles, mopeds, e-bikes even. Skateboards!

Also jet boats, hopped-up cars. A good one is a gas-powered remote-controlled airplane that crashes into your neighbour's house & lights his roof on fire, there's a classy way to make your acquaintance.

John Denver provides a cautionary tale. He bought his new home-built, with several years of good service under its belt, but with an awkward fuel tank switcher up & behind his left shoulder. ("For Safety Reasons")

So he takes it for a rip, and runs the one tank out, so he unbuckles his harness and kinda twists around to yank that lever over. Meanwhile he pushes with his right foot onto full right rudder at about 150 ft above the deck. Instantaneous nose dive and ker-splash! I think he got decapitated by that one.

Every time you try one of these things it's your "last chance".

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