Reply to post: Re: Complete stop

Tesla's self-driving code may ignore stop signs, act unsafe. Patch coming ... soon

Mike 137 Silver badge

Re: Complete stop

"There are junctions with very limited visibility, so you have to stop, listen and then slowly proceed to gain more visuals and then go if it is clear"

Exactly the sort of situation that the automaton can't handle. It can't infer the possibility of traffic it can't see. For example I know a UK site where a mini roundabout on a fast local through route is entered by a residential side road. People park on the sidewalk on the near side of the through route, so you can't see whether a vehicle is approaching from the right on the through route until it's within a few yards of entering the roundabout (usually at high speed with entire disregard for the junction because it has "right of way"). Safe use of this junction from the side road depends entirely on subtle cues that can't be readily identified -- it's intuitive based on accumulated familiarity with it. There's no obvious way to codify this unless you not only map but behaviourally analyse every junction in the country (including the most minor ones) and keep the behavioural analysis constantly up to date. The database would be enormous and the error rate probably high.

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