Reply to post: Valentine's Day is a Trigger Garden

Roses are red, algorithms are blue, here's a poem I made a machine write for you

Ideasource Bronze badge

Valentine's Day is a Trigger Garden

You set yourself up.

Too many plays, movies and stories have glorified love poem plot expectation to unrealistic heights.

Valentine's Day is a tightrope.

And even if you do blow their mind, it just sets you up for a harder gauntlet next year , simultaneously hijacking your gesture by diluting it into the bin of general holiday expectation.

Keep Valentine's Day chill with casual familier shows of loving sentiment to guard against culture-triggered insecurities.

Deploy your super romance gestures on a holiday-forsaken day that otherwise would just be ordinary-tedium. Packs a bigger punch for the same payload without the social gauntlet readied against you from the start.

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