Reply to post: Re: They've at least done the right thing...

Cloudflare engineer broke rules – and a customer's website – with traffic throttle


Re: They've at least done the right thing...

Aye — and the crucial thing is to make sure that when the unexpected (or even the mildly-expected-but-not-deemed-likely-enough-to-be-worth-coding-for) happens (or happens often enough), that you have processes, architecture, people and a codebase that can be adapted to deal with it using a reasonable amount of time and effort.

I've seen it happen all too often that a line is drawn (perfectly reasonably) under the number of cases that have been programmatically anticipated in order to avoid endless searching for edge cases without ever doing an actual release, but then adding in a new case (edge or otherwise) is so difficult due to rigid processes etc. that it never gets done.

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