Reply to post: Re: We are paying for our politicians vanity.

Wind, solar power outstrip fossil fuel generation for EU

Peter2 Silver badge

Re: We are paying for our politicians vanity.

Aside from the risks, there's also the time factor. It takes approx 30 years from laying the first brick for a nuclear plant to actually start producing power

[Citation needed]

So from the point that we decided to build our nuclear plant in 1946 it didn't go live until 1976. Good to know. (actually, the decision was made in 1946, and went into operation in 1950...)

Or if we looked at Sizewell B which took 7 years from first shovel in the ground to power coming out. Hinkley point is taking possibly 12 years, however that's largely due to clashing with the pandemic lockdowns which caused some issues which are unlikely(!) to be repeated.

Where technology is today, any nuclear plant project that is started now will most likely not be economical to operate (i.e., not be competitive) in 30 years from now.

Referencing Sizewell B, it's been running since 1995 with an initially projected 40 year life. It's been realised that with minimal repair works this can be extended for another 20 years, and this is being safety checked and that's economically viable with the operator paying for the repairs. Almost all other reactors have received additional 20 year life extensions as being able to run safely for that period. The European Pressured Reactor being built elseware has a basic life expectancy of 60 years before looking at life extensions via replacing equipment.

It appears that your figures are being produced by a source that's somewhat unreliable through having started with the desired answer and then trying to manipulate the facts and readers opinions to match, rather than looking at the facts and then coming to an opinion.

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