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Wind, solar power outstrip fossil fuel generation for EU

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Be careful when pointing fingers: lots of countries have repeatedly made awful choices in their energy policies.

But let me recap the German situation: the decision to phase out nuclear energy was first taken over a decade ago but subsequently reversed by the next government, only to be reversed again a year later after Fukoshima (the conditions of which cannot be replacated in Germany). The first reversal of policy also reversed the transition to renewable energy, as did dirty deals with Russia to get cheap gas. The second reversal (getting out of nuclear energy for good) was not only horrifcally expensive, it, again did not set the conditions for increasing renewable energy.

Nuclear fission now has no future in Germany: it has been effectively displaced for base load by renewables, which have cheaper marginal costs. What's missing is something to replace gas for cold, dark days in winter.

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