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Space dust reveals Earth-killer asteroids tough to destroy

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Most commenters seem to think it as a solid or semi-solid object, like a pile of rubble on ground would be. It's nothing like that.

First, stones itself are mostly empty space (most of them would float on water) and there's a lot of empty space between them. Second: Despite volume, the pile is held together only by internal gravity which has to be *very* low, like in micro-G-class. Third: That means escape velocity is very, very low (mm/s, anyone?) and can be achieved with very low force, especially when first point is noted.

Big can of compressed air would be enough to push most of the stones above escape velocity and then there's not a pile anymore and most of the pieces have very altered trajectory.

People talking about atomic bomb are at least 5 orders of magnitude off. Unless the idea is to transform all of it to fast expanding cloud of gas: Despite the size, the mass of the pile is very low and therefore easy to vaporize.

The idea that the radioactive cloud will hit Earth is also really odd: It's not a solid object. It would expand to every direction (literally) at relativistic speeds and only a very small faction of it would hit Earth, in "barely measurable" -class.

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