Reply to post: Re: @CodeJunky - What?

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Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

Re: @CodeJunky - What?

Do you ever wonder that your opinions might be wrong, or do you genuinely believe that everyone who gives you a downvote is stupid, and you are cleverer than them?

Because I know some genuinely very intelligent people (for example, one of them still receives patent dividends on telecoms patents from the 1970s and is by far the most erudite person I know), and you are clearly not operating on the same level as them. I can accept that others are cleverer than me, or know more about a subject than I do. I can also tell, as can pretty much everyone here, that you do not fall into that class.

And before you decide to say something dumb like, "you are an idiot because you started two sentences with conjunctions," that would imply that I didn't do so deliberately, with full awareness, and it wouldn't make me look silly to point it out.

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