Reply to post: Re: Who decides what is left and right ?

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Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

Re: Who decides what is left and right ?

As someone with two degrees in the physical sciences, I can assure you that left-right political categorisation is not a scientific discipline. There is such a thing as scientific analysis of political views, and the whole "left/right" categorisation is such an oversimplification as to be nearly worthless.

In terms of who gets to define what is "left and right", well, according to Wikipedia:

Within the left–right political spectrum, Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution, referring to the seating arrangement in the French Estates General. Those who sat on the left generally opposed the Ancien Régime and the Bourbon monarchy and supported the French Revolution, the creation of a democratic republic and the secularisation of society while those on the right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Ancien Régime.

(from, there is also some discourse on the origins in the related article,

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