Reply to post: Re: Open source

Basecamp details 'obscene' $3.2 million bill that caused it to quit the cloud

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Open source

Nobody forced people to write that software.

They wrote it because they wanted it, they contributed it to to others knowingly and consciously, and they were fully aware (more than anyone else ) of the licensing arrangements to which they submitted it.

Open Source programmers don't work on programs because they're exploited. They work on them because they want a system that's outside corporate control, works, is free, or even just exists.

Nobody is sitting there prodding OS programmers into coding teams and forcing them to slave away in cubicles, with a list of criteria dictated by big business because they want to exploit it. The programmers made something. They gave it to the world. The world - including large corporates - decided to use it.

And, yes, I'm an open-source programmer (I refuse the capital letters, and links to GNU, FSF etc. personally as I disagree with the way they do things). Most of my stuff is MIT-licenced. If a piece of it was picked up tomorrow and made someone a billion dollars... good luck to them. Sure, it'd be annoying but at the same time: I never did it for the money, or any expectation whatsoever.

If you don't want companies to pick up your code and use it to make money - licence it appropriately.

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