Reply to post: place to find free AWS keys!

Python Package Index found stuffed with AWS keys and malware

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward place to find free AWS keys!

One of the best sec courses I went on the tutor said on the first day.

If you ever want to play with some interesting tech and you can't afford it then just poke about Github for around 30-45 mins and you'll find no end of logins, passwords for all sorts of access to services for free, code repos are the best places to find free logins! I'm joking of course, don't do that however....I'm just telling you the honest truth. If you want to litrerally set fire to the company's money by letting people with fewer morales than you have a fun time playing in your cloudy services backyard, then go ahead use public repos like Github to store your company code 'cos I can garantee that within 3 months one of your devs will put keys and logins into code and your cloud costs will literally go up by 10, 20 or 50 times over a couple of days and the company will have to pay for it if the provider finds you let your keys loose in the wild.

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